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Created by: Alexandra McElwee Mary Kay Rockenstire Erica Simons Layout and Graphics by, Michelle Sekulich, Curriculum and Assessment Session One.

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Presentation on theme: "Created by: Alexandra McElwee Mary Kay Rockenstire Erica Simons Layout and Graphics by, Michelle Sekulich, Curriculum and Assessment Session One."— Presentation transcript:

1 Created by: Alexandra McElwee Mary Kay Rockenstire Erica Simons Layout and Graphics by, Michelle Sekulich, Curriculum and Assessment Session One

2 Overview Session 1 1. Key Kid Writing (KW) aspects & GLE’s 2. Overview of Kid Writing 3. Tricks for beginning – a model lesson 4. Step by step – how to continue 5. Professional development assignment 6. Closing thoughts Session 2 Second follow-up session to discuss questions and next steps for implementing Kid Writing

3 What are the most important aspects of Kid Writing? Showing each student that he or she is a writer, regardless of prior writing experience Conveying the importance of writing by beginning the first day of school Implementing our district adopted kindergarten writing program Celebrating approximations in “kid writing" and moving students toward “adult writing”

4 Is it developmentally appropriate? “The term developmentally appropriate should not be used as an excuse to withhold skills instruction. Skills instruction is only developmentally inappropriate when it is done in isolation and for inauthentic purposes. Instruction in writing skills should occur but only in the context of real reading and real writing.” Feldgus and Cardonick, p. 19 GLEs

5 How does it work? n Step One: Drawing n Step Two: Guided phonics-based spelling (Kid Writing) n Step Three: Underwriting (Adult Writing) and Individual Mini-Lessons

6 How does it work? (continued) n Step Four: Focused Mini-Lessons (Full Group) n Step Five: Mini-Sharing

7 The First Lesson: Building Confidence n Only about a 5 minute lesson n Goal is to assure children that they already know how to write and that their ways of writing will be honored in our class n Starting on the first day of school is ideal, but starting any day is great Model Lesson





12 How does it work? n Step One: Drawing Students write on a date stamped page. It can be a social time when students discuss their work and help each other. IMPORTANT - Allow students to write about any topic they choose.






18 How does it work? (Continued) n Step Two: Guided phonics-based spelling (Kid Writing) Teach children the difference between Kid Writing and Adult Writing. During this time students write on their own or with adult help (when available). Focus on: *Concepts of print *Sounding out *Magic lines




22 How does it work? (Continued) n Step Three: Underwriting (Adult Writing) and Individual Mini-Lessons Praise something in the child’s writingPraise something in the child’s writing Read student writing together.Read student writing together. Write conventional spelling below the student’s writing, teaching phonics and other writing skills.Write conventional spelling below the student’s writing, teaching phonics and other writing skills. Use this mini-conference format as an opportunity to individualize writing instruction.Use this mini-conference format as an opportunity to individualize writing instruction.






28 How does it work? (continued) nSnSnSnStep Four: Focused Mini-Lessons (Full Group) *Train yourself to NEVER SKIP THE MINI- LESSON! *“Children’s actual work is used as the basis for teaching and learning phonics and broader literacy skills. By using children’s work, we not only honor the importance of the work, but also concretely link the mini- lesson to children’s real needs.” p. 45

29 Step 4: Mini-Lessons (continued) n Use a large white board or chart paper to focus on elements of children’s journal writing that will benefit the most children. n Editing/Revision – “When children cross out letters or words and begin thinking anew, they are, in effect, revising as they go along. Since developmentally this is the beginning of revising and editing, we always praise the process rather than simply overlook it… In doing so, we create the expectation that false starts are an integral part of the writing process.” p. 51

30 How does it work? n After each mini-lesson, feature 3 child authors in the “share chair” to read their journal writing. Who has a what question? Who has a why question? What else do you want to know about ____’s journal?

31 How does it work? (continued) n Step Five: Mini-Sharing Allow each child to share his or her writing with a neighbor and ask the same questions about his/her journal writing.

32 Three children a day times three mini-lessons times 180 school days equals 1600+ opportunities for focused, direct literacy instruction.








40 How do I actually do this in my classroom? n Time n Space n Materials n Assistance in the Classroom n Getting parents on board with Kid Writing








48 Keys to Success n Be consistent with the daily time commitment for writing! n Teach any assistants/volunteers how to support the teaching we are doing in class n Vary the levels of writing support throughout the rest of the day (modeled writing, shared writing, interactive writing)

49 Closing n Professional development assignment description n Resources for help *OSPI website: Writing/default.aspx Writing/default.aspx Writing/default.aspx *GLEs

50 Closing (continued) n Questions regarding today’s session n Useful pages in text: *First day of school goals and lesson plan – p. 32, 33 *The right and wrong way to sound out – p. 39, 40 *Magic lines – p. 40, 41 *Underwriting – p. 43, 44 *Mini-lessons – p. 45 – 50 *Mini- sharing – p. 51 – 54 *Useful letters – p. 152 - 155

51 Looking ahead to Session 2 1. Photo/artifact sharing of our successes (Email photos to and/or bring student journals) 2. The majority of session 2 will be a work session to review/discuss student work from your classroom as well as to discuss your use of “Kid Writing” 3. Resources/Next Steps **Bring your packet to our next class!


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