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Presentation on theme: " 1 Our Mission To protect the precious environment and heritage of Talbot County, including its waterways, farmland and historic."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Our Mission To protect the precious environment and heritage of Talbot County, including its waterways, farmland and historic small towns

2 Putting the Pieces Together Comprehensive Plans Annexation Hospital Relocation Regional Cooperation Welcome Talbot Preservation Alliance Annual Meeting April 2008

3 Maryland Law:  All municipalities and counties must have a Comprehensive Plan  The plans must be updated every 6 years  There are 3 new elements Water resources Priority preservation areas (county only) Municipal growth element (towns only) COMP PLAN 101

4 COMP PLAN 202 Step 1: Pass Comprehensive Plans to create a vision for the community Step 2: Enact Zoning Ordinances must be updated and enforced

5 Comprehensive Plan Example: EASTON The Town of Easton is currently updating its Comprehensive Plan Last plan completed in 2004 3 public meetings to date

6 2004 Comprehensive Plan Statements: “overwhelming sentiment that we take steps to slow the rate of growth in our town” (page 2) “Many clearly feel that the rate is at best too fast and at worst out of control” (page 25) Comprehensive Plan Example: EASTON At that time Easton’s growth rate was 3%

7 Land must be added to Easton’s growth areas Comprehensive Plan update: Town will add 1,900 new dwelling units through 2015 -Star Democrat Headline 3/21/08


9 Based on a 3% growth rate Using Smart Growth density of 3.5 units/acre Easton will have 31,000 residents in 2040 There are 15,000 today Easton’s Future?

10 Question: Must additional land be annexed during the next Comprehensive Plan period to accommodate reasonable growth? Comp Plan Math

11 Easton Growth: 2002-2007 1,356 New Housing Permints 1 x 2.2 Persons Per House 2 2,983 New Easton Residents 1 : Easton Planning Office 2 : MD Dept of Planning (MDP)

12 Easton Growth: 2009-2015 x 2.2 Persons Per House 2 2,200 New Easton Residents 1 : Easton Planning Office 2 : MD Dept of Planning (MDP) 1,000 New Houses Approved (Not Occupied) 1

13 Easton Growth: 2009-2015 x 2.2 Persons per House 3 1,201 New Easton Residents 1 : Easton Planning Office 2 : MD Smart Growth Law 3 : MD Dept of Planning (MDP) 156 Residentially Zoned Acres 1 x 3.5 Houses per Acre 2

14 Easton Growth: 2009-2015 1,201 New Residents from Land in Easton Today 2,983 New Easton Residents Added from 2002-2007 2,200 New Residents from Approved Projects + 3,400 Potential New Residents

15 Cooke’s Hope 100 du Lakelands 145 du Ashby Commons 89 du Easton Village 250 du Douglass Landing 155 du Londonerry Annexation ?? Target/Retail Space 150,000ft 2 Lowe’s 168,000ft 2

16 What Can You Do? Get Involved Engage in the Comp Plan public hearings Let the town know a 3% growth rate is not “an acceptable level” Demand the Plan No new residential annexations for the next plan period (2009-2015)

17 FACT: Annexation is discretionary

18 Denton Current Town Planned Annexation

19 Ridgely Planned Annexation Current Town

20 Hebron Current Town Planned Annexation

21 Trappe Annexed Land Current Town Rt 50

22 FACT: The larger the town the higher the tax rate 22

23 FACT: Residential development costs more in tax dollars than it generates 23

24 24 FACT: Each home generates 10 vehicle trips/day

25 FACT: Water quality degrades quickly as impervious surfaces increase 25 Filtering Capacity Open Land: Excellent - Good Development: Fair - Poor

26 How Big is Too Big? What is the Real Benefit? 926 181% <$3M $2,781

27 St Michaels

28 Ask These Questions  Actual dollars to the town?  Actual costs to the town?  Traffic/road improvements?  Schools?  Impervious surface areas?  Storm water management?

29 Annexations to Alliances Blackwater Annexations: Trappe, Denton QA Proposed Business Development Land Conservation

30 QACA QUEEN ANNE’S CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION Dorchester Citizens for Planned Growth

31 Collaborative Advocacy Talbot Preservation Alliance Queen Anne’s Conservation Association Eastern Shore Land Conservancy State Leaders and Agencies WYE MILLS PLAN

32 WYE MILLS’ FUTURE? Previous (UMBI) Plan is off the table Rural Village / College Town? Major Employment / Commercial Growth Node? Regional Medical Center?

33 QAC Proposed Planning Area Major Employment Center CAC is considering development plans Kipp 2 was not in the original plan Talbot County not Included

34 Fundamental Flaws Improvements to Route 50 and 213 or 404 interchanges are not funded. The College has modest sewer capacity available. The Wye East River watershed is considered “impaired.” Other locations are available in County growth areas that could accommodate employment growth. The original plan market study indicates only modest demand for business (as opposed to warehousing and distribution). There is no proven synergy between a community college and employment spin-off businesses.

35 Who Benefits ~ Who Supports? Dr. Stuart Bounds, Former President Chesapeake College. The benefiting landowners:  Mr. Kimo Kipp, Mr. Michael Foster. QAC Commissioners:  Dr. Eric Wargotz, Paul Gunther, Courtney Billups. QAC Department of Economic Development and Agriculture. Business Queen Anne’s. QAC Economic Development Commission. QAC Chamber of Commerce. University of Maryland Health System?

36 A Better Plan: Rural Village / College Town A Planning Area not split by the freeway. Route 50 and 404 frontage remains rural. Limited expansion for the College, schools and research employment on the Foster property. Infill development and historic restoration in the Village of Wye Mills. Buffer on both sides of the Mill Pond.

37 What can you do to help? Support the Talbot Council that has opposed this proposal – saying not consistent with TC Comprehensive Plan. Attend CAC meetings and public hearings and speak against commercial sprawl. Write letters to the editor. Lobby the MD Department of Planning, MD Department of the Environment and MD Department of Natural Resources to withhold enabeling approvals. Support the advocacy organizations – TPA, QACA, ESLC. Write the new President of the College, Dr. Barbara Viniar.

38 Easton Airport Proposed Hospital Site 38 Geography: County’s Offered Hospital Site Community Center

39 Geography: Transportation Routes

40 Community Action TPA Actions Full House Avalon Forum and Commissioned Hospital Film >10,000 Signatures Petition Communication with SHS and UMMS boards Hospital Citizens Committee Broad based community leadership Public advocacy – newspaper and letters Local Government County Site and Town Services offer County Economic Impact Report Meetings with Gov and Sec planning

41 41 Smart GrowthNot-so-smart growth Proposed Easton Site Route 50/404 or 50/213 Available infrastructure (sewer, water, broadband) No available infrastructure (spray fields/septic) Multiple roadway accessesLimited access routes; high congestion Close, existing medical offices & related businesses Middle of nowhere; far from existing medical offices; induces sprawl What Alternative?

42 THANK YOU Comprehensive Plans Annexation Hospital Relocation Regional Cooperation

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