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International Dialogue Accommodating Special Needs.

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1 International Dialogue Accommodating Special Needs

2 How to use your clicker device: When a question appears on the screen, press the appropriate number on the clicker that corresponds to the response you want to choose Your first answer will power on and send your response Please press send for questions 1 and 2 You can submit or change your response as many times as you want, it only records the last one All responses are anonymous so be honest! SEND

3 1. What country are you from? 22661 83 12 51 1. Australia 2. Canada 3. Ireland 4. Israel 5. Netherlands 6. New Zealand 7. Nigeria 8. South Africa 9. Uganda 10. Ukraine 11. Other Country# of responsesCountry# of responses

4 2. If you are from Canada, what province/territory are you from? Matched Acceptable Value: NA, Within Range: 25 Acceptable Value: NA, Acceptable Range: {1, 13} 1. Newfoundland and Labrador 2. Prince Edward Island 3. Nova Scotia 4. New Brunswick 5. Quebec 6. Ontario 7. Manitoba 8. Saskatchewan 9. Alberta 10. British Columbia 11. Yukon 12. Northwest Territories 13. Nunavut

5 3. Which of the following best describes your role in education? 1. Ministry/Policy 2. District Leader or Administrator (System Level) 3. School-based Leader – Ex. Principal, Head Teacher, Director, Etc. 4. Supporting School- based Leader – Ex. Vice-Principal, Deputy Principal, Etc. 5. Teacher 6. Education Organization and/or association 7. Other

6 4. If you are a school-based leader, which of the following best describes your school? 1. Publicly funded 2. Independently funded 3. Other

7 5. What is your gender? 1. Female 2. Male

8 6. What age range do you fall within? 1. 21 – 30 2. 31 – 40 3. 41 – 50 4. 51 – 60 5. 61 – 70 6. 71 – 80

9 7. How many years have you been in education? 1. 1 – 5 2. 6 – 10 3. 11 – 15 4. 16 – 20 5. 21 – 25 6. 26 – 30 7. 31 – 35 8. More than 35

10 8. How many years have you been in your current role? 1. 1 – 5 2. 6 – 10 3. 11 – 15 4. 16 – 20 5. 21 – 25 6. 26 – 30 7. 31 – 35 8. More than 35

11 9. In your jurisdiction, do teaching staff require Special Education Qualifications? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Unsure

12 10. In your jurisdiction, do Principals and Vice Principals have the opportunity to acquire Special Education Qualifications? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Unsure

13 11. In your jurisdiction, does the Ministry of Education require an identification of an exceptionality (e.g., learning disability, giftedness, etc.) or a diagnosis (e.g., ODD, Autism, etc.) for students to receive specialized teaching? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Unsure

14 12. In your jurisdiction, what placement options are available for students with special needs? 1. Integrated fully into the conventional education system 2. In the same buildings as others, but in separate classrooms 3. Attend a separate school 4. Not integrated at all and/or do not attend school

15 Students with special needs often require the support of specialists such as vision/hearing resource teachers, occupational therapists, etc. 13. In your jurisdiction, how would you describe your access to such specialized supports? 1. Extensive and readily available 2. A few are available, but not adequate 3. A few are available, but too costly 4. Not available 5. Not needed

16 Accommodating Special Needs GROUP DISCUSSION How are students with special needs identified in your jurisdiction? What are the challenges in accommodating students with special needs? o What is being done in your jurisdiction to address these challenges? o What else should be done?

17 Accommodating Special Needs GROUP DISCUSSION We envision an inclusive education system in Ontario in which all students, parents, and other members of the school community are welcomed and respected; and every student is supported and inspired to succeed in a culture of high expectations for learning. o Discuss what is being done in your jurisdiction to include all stakeholders in your school to support special needs learners. o What successes have you had in ensuring a culture where special needs students are provided equal opportunities? o Describe the barriers to reaching these goals and share strategies that might support new learning opportunities for teachers and administrators in your area.

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