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1. 2 1991 re-constituted as a federation Courts approved by the Federation Council (Article 127) 80 Subjects Regions 2 major cities Moscow, St Petersburg.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 1991 re-constituted as a federation Courts approved by the Federation Council (Article 127) 80 Subjects Regions 2 major cities Moscow, St Petersburg."— Presentation transcript:

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3 1991 re-constituted as a federation Courts approved by the Federation Council (Article 127) 80 Subjects Regions 2 major cities Moscow, St Petersburg Republics Chechnya as an example 3

4 Highest Judicial body 19 judges June 2008, St Petersburg Interpret the Constitution Constitutionality of laws passed 4

5 Jurisdiction Civil, criminal and administrative matters 123 judges Located in Moscow Highest court of appeals (cassation) Original jurisdiction on serious criminal cases Also issues regulations Explanations on issues of judicial practice 5

6 Supreme Courts of the Republics (High Courts of each Region) Moscow and St Petersburg courts Courts of Autonomous districts Courts of the Subjects, serve as appeals District Courts Justices of the Peace 6

7 Smaller towns and villages have one Cities may have many Basis for general jurisdiction Civil, criminal jurisdiction Appeals from Justices of the Peace 7

8 General jurisdiction Professional judges (lower pay) Smaller civil disputes Petty administrative and criminal offenses Each district with several justices 8

9 Basic tier Courts of the armies, fleets, garrisons and military formations Middle tier Courts of the Branches, seven districts, anti-aircraft defense, navy, and individual armies Disputes among military personnel Military Prosecutor General’s Office in charge 9

10 Commercial Courts Commercial disputes by legal persons Four levels The Supreme Arbitration Court Disputes between Government and Commercial parties, Government and subjects, or two subjects Federal District Arbitration Courts Cassation only (review of the law) Appellate Courts Rehearing new evidence Arbitration Courts of the Subjects: Most cases heard here 10

11 Constitutional (Charter) Courts Article 27 allows these courts Few actually set up Independent of Russian Federation Courts Same jurisdiction to hear cases 11

12 December 2011 laws enacted IP Court setup to deal with cases concerning protection of IP rights Feb. 1 st 2013 Courts must be set up Originally heard in Civil Courts Original Jurisdiction Cases to challenge regulatory acts Disputes concerning the grant or termination of legal protection for trademarks, inventions etc. 12

13 Get into your groups- assign roles, plan, research (If possible) Next class – Monday February 11 th we will either go to media center or I will provide you with laptops. For homework, bring in your research to share with your group. Do as much as you can for homework. Exchange emails, phone numbers. Monday, Feb 11 th you will collaborate with your group and finalize your presentation. Be ready to present on Wednesday, Feb. 13 th Friday Feb 15 th – TEST on British and Russian Federation Judicial System. 13

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