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Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Information Session Juliane Dow, Associate Commissioner Accountability & Targeted Assistance Massachusetts Department of.

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Presentation on theme: "Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Information Session Juliane Dow, Associate Commissioner Accountability & Targeted Assistance Massachusetts Department of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Information Session Juliane Dow, Associate Commissioner Accountability & Targeted Assistance Massachusetts Department of Education September 21, 2006

2 State Performance Targets 2002-2014 Cycle IICycle VIIICycle VIICycle VICycle VCycle IVCycle III 2

3 How is AYP Calculated? (100 – Cycle III CPI) / 5 3

4 Sample CPI Calculation Students taking Standard MCAS tests # of Students Performance LevelIndex Points Total Index Points 2Failing - Low00 4Failing - High25100 5Needs Improvement - Low50250 10Needs Improvement - High75750 15Proficient1001500 10Advanced1001000 Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities taking MCAS-Alt 2Emerging75150 2Progressing100200 Total Points Awarded3950 Total # of Students Tested50 CPI (Total Points divided by Total Students) 79.0 4

5 When Schools Do Not Make AYP for Two Consecutive Years Schools that do not make AYP for two consecutive years in either subject for any group are identified for improvement –All schools identified for improvement must develop a plan for improving student performance –Title I schools identified for improvement must also: offer school choice (year 1 in improvement status) offer supplemental services (year 2 if fail to make AYP in year 1) 5

6 Schools in Corrective Action Status Schools identified for improvement that fail to make AYP for 2 additional years are identified for corrective action Districts with schools in corrective action must: –Institute new curriculum relevant to school’s low performance and provide professional development to support its implementation; –Extend length of school year or school day; –Replace school staff deemed relevant to school not making adequate progress; –Significantly decrease management authority at the school; –Restructure internal organization of the school; or –Appoint one or more outside experts to advise school in its improvement efforts 6

7 Schools in Restructuring Status Schools in corrective action that fail to make AYP in 2006 are identified for restructuring Districts with schools in restructuring status must: –Reconstitute the school by replacing school staff relevant to the school’s inability to make adequate progress; –Enter into contract with an entity with a demonstrated record of effectiveness to operate the school as a public school; –Turn operation of the school over to State educational agency, if the State agrees; –Re-open the school as a public charter school; or –Implement “any other major restructuring of the school's governance arrangement that makes fundamental reforms, such as significant changes in the school's staffing and governance, to improve student academic achievement in the school and that has substantial promise of enabling the school to make adequate yearly progress.…” 7

8 Sample 2006 District AYP History Table 8

9 Districts Identified for Improvement or Corrective Action Districts that do not make AYP for two consecutive years in either subject for any group, at all grade-spans, are identified for improvement Districts identified for improvement year 2 that do not make AYP in 2006 at all grade-spans are identified for corrective action When a district is in corrective action, the State must: –Defer programmatic funds or reduce administrative funds; –Institute new curriculum relevant to districts’ low performance and provide professional development to support its implementation; –Replace district personnel relevant to inability of district to make adequate progress; –Remove individual schools from the jurisdiction of the district and arrange for their public governance and supervision; –Appoint a receiver or trustee to administer the affairs of the district in place of the superintendent and school board; or –Abolish or restructure the district 9

10 Resources 2006 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Data 2006 List of Schools & Districts Removed from 2005 Accountability Status 2006 List of Schools & Districts Identified for Improvement, Corrective Action, and Restructuring School Leaders' Guide to the 2006 Cycle IV Accountability and Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Reports Glossary of Accountability and AYP Terms School and District Accountability Status and Required Actions, 2006-07 2006 MCAS and AYP Data Review and Reporting Schedules 10

11 Questions 11

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