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Facoltà di Ingegneria Data Management – 9 CFU a.a. 2013 - 2014 Prof. Mario Bochicchio Prof.ssa Antonella Longo

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1 Facoltà di Ingegneria Data Management – 9 CFU a.a. 2013 - 2014 Prof. Mario Bochicchio Prof.ssa Antonella Longo

2 Course overview Course objectives Lectures, laboratories and seminars Textbook and teaching materials Assignments Exams

3 3 Course objectives Databases and Applications Hours: 23 The aim of this module is to teach students to design database models and to implement tables, queries, forms, reports and web pages. The focus will be on why and how to use databases in some significant business scenarios. SQL and other programming languages will be presented to understand the basics of modern Web Applications and Service Oriented Architectures. Enterprise Information Architecture Hours: 22 The aim of this module is to describe approaches and tools to model information in complex organizations, to design architectures of complex database systems in distributed and as-a-service scenarios, and to approach to enterprise information integration DataWarehouse Hours: 23 The aim of this module is to present models, methodologies and tools to understand multidimensional analysis and to design and implement datawarehouses.

4 4 Lectures, laboratories and seminars

5 5 Textbook and teaching materials “Fundamentals of Database Systems", 6th Edition, Elmasri, Navathe, Addison-Wesley Datawarehouse Design ' Modern Principles and Methodologies', Matteo Golfarelli, Stefano Rizzi, McGrawHill Teaching materials provided at the course

6 6 Assignments and exams Written test  ko (0), ok (10), good (20) validity: 6 months 1st partial (data modeling, SQL) + 2nd partial (multidim. DBs and KPIs) Or final test (data modeling, SQL, multidim. DBs and KPIs) Oral test  10 on all course contents Assignments  5 + 5 optional 1.Creation of a simple DB application or reverse engineering of a Web application 2.Design and (basic) implementation of a dashboard for enterprise monitoring Final grade  written test + oral test (+ assigments)

7 7 Organization Teachers –Prof. M. Bochicchio –Prof.ssa Longo Web site – Data Management a.y. 2013-2014 Office hours: –Lunedi dalle 16 alle 18 –Giovedi dalle 14 alle 16 Lessons: –Monday: 8:30-11:30 Room Y-5 –Thursday: 11:30-14:00 Room “Seminars” Teachers’ office or SET-Lab

8 8 Organization Class participation is not optional ! Homework, –there might be homework, –If so, it may be required, but it will not be graded. Software Tools –Access –MySQL + Apache + PhpMyAdmin –Excel –Expression Web –ODBC, JDBC

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