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Mother Infant Pair Mobile Application Malawi Lyness Kanada M & E Specialist March 20, 2013 ICT4D Conference Accra, Ghana Mobile Services that Empower Vulnerable.

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Presentation on theme: "Mother Infant Pair Mobile Application Malawi Lyness Kanada M & E Specialist March 20, 2013 ICT4D Conference Accra, Ghana Mobile Services that Empower Vulnerable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mother Infant Pair Mobile Application Malawi Lyness Kanada M & E Specialist March 20, 2013 ICT4D Conference Accra, Ghana Mobile Services that Empower Vulnerable Communities

2 Acknowledgements: CHIKWAWA DIOCESE

3 IMPACT Background USAID/PEPFAR-funded GDA serving 100,000 OVC and PLHIV, July 2010 - June 2014 Designed to complement WALA Program in 9 districts in central and southern regions Collaboration with Government of Malawi through MoGCSW, MoH, NAC & OPC/DNHA and US Peace Corps Improve wellbeing of OVC and increase access to treatment and care for PLHIV – SO1: Improved wellbeing of 60,000 OVC – SO2: Access to treatment and care for 40,000 PLHIV enhanced

4 IMPACT Background - IMPACT Consortium Members Opportunity International Bank of Malawi TNM D-Tree International National Assoc of People Living with HIV and AIDS in Malawi Dedza Catholic Health Commission (CHC) Lilongwe CHC Zomba CHC Africare Chikwawa Diocese Emmanuel International PCI Save the Children World Vision WALA partners Faith based partners Private sector partners Tech Asst partners

5 MIP application Mother Infant Pair protocol: guidelines on following up infected women and their exposed infants during antenatal, post-partum and postnatal home visits until child is aged two Application guides HSAs through content on each home visit Application developed on CommCare platform, running on Nokia 2700c phones 21 HSAs trained -46 more to be trained by May 2013

6 MIP Application Design Main Menu Registration Antenatal Visit

7 MIP Application Design Cont’ Postnatal visit Post-partum visit

8 Key Successes Application has helped HSAs understand CBMNC guidelines better Adherence to protocol has improved Clients have been more open to HSAs during follow-up visits as compared to before using the phone - application has improved relationship between HSAs and clients Continued counseling on drug adherence for both mother and child at each visit to avoid defaulting Referrals are being made during home visits Capacity built within CRS on mobile applications

9 Key Issues / Challenges Testing all sections of the application - time from pregnancy until child is two Using application on MIP households may compromise on confidentiality issues - CBMNC application Some MIPs don’t disclose their status to their spouses – becomes difficult for HSAs to conduct home visits

10 Lessons Learned Application can help improve PMTCT as exposed women are fully followed up and each visit done correctly as per protocol Need to add component to the application to be used on non MIPs as well Relevant DHO staff under MoH are oriented on the application - to take over when IMPACT finishes Application uses GPRS data transmission at $0.00003/Kb (compared to $0.03/Kb for a single SMS)

11 Conclusion MIP Mobile Application Improving quality of service offered to HIV infected women and their exposed infants!!

12 Questions! Mobile Services that Empower Vulnerable Communities

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