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Barbara Young Chief Executive Environment Agency.

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Presentation on theme: "Barbara Young Chief Executive Environment Agency."— Presentation transcript:

1 Barbara Young Chief Executive Environment Agency

2 Making it Happen The development of strategy in public organisations

3 My experience of strategy development UK National Health Service - health care for half a million people RSPB - Europe’s largest conservation charity Anglian Water - a global water and infrastructure commercial company BBC - a world renown public service broadcaster The Environment Agency

4 Similarities Value driven, professional staff Important to the public - services that matter Politically high profile - management in the goldfish bowl Multiple stakeholders and multiple accountabilities

5 Preparing for strategy development Scenarios SWOT Stakeholders

6 The Vision for our Environment: Making it Happen Our Vision is: A healthy, rich and diverse environment in England and Wales, for present and future generations

7 The Nine Themes for the Future a better quality of life an enhanced environment for wildlife cleaner air for everyone improved and protected inland and coastal waters restored, protected land with healthier soils a ’greener’ business world wiser, sustainable use of natural resources limiting and adapting to climate change reducing flood risk

8 Making it happen Priority Outcomes ‘Environmental Outcomes’‘The Future Agency’ Vision Roles Values National targets Changing to ensure success

9 Nature of targets: Environmental outcome-focussed Challenging but achievable Measurable Cover both doing and influencing activities Existing and new actions

10 The Future Agency VISION Better quality of life Enhanced environment for wildlife Cleaner Air Improved inland & coastal waters Restored, protected land Greener business world Sustainable use of natural resources Climate change Reducing flood risk VALUES Focus on Environmental Outcomes By working in effective Partnerships By being robust And by being flexible, embracing change, learning and improvement Exert real influence ROLES Efficient Operator Modern Regulator Influential Advisor Informative Communicator catalysing change Champion of the environment within the context of sustainable development

11 The change projects Efficient Operator Driving Corporate Performance Supporting Technology The Future Agency Developing People Modern Regulator Influential Advisor, Catalytic Convertor

12 Making it happen: Developing local contributions

13 Your Local Contribution Making it happen Local outcomes and targets Local changes and resources Stakeholders and staff commitment Local Dialogue “HOW do we make it happen?” and “HOW will we measure progress?”

14 Purpose Turning the Vision into action Define how we contribute to ‘Making it happen’ Provide a focus for all employees Form a basis for dialogue with key external partners

15 The Vision for our Environment: Making it Happen

16 Developing support for the strategy The sinusoidal curve Using the cynics Forging the partnerships Signing up the customers

17 Leadership and strategy This vision is exciting! It’s good to care - walking and talking the values

18 Leadership and strategy Anyone around here who isn’t confused, doesn’t understand what’s going on.

19 Organisational development and strategy Training and development - strategic objectives Sheep dip - shared language and values Loose/tight - setting people free

20 Strategy in a changing world Change is a natural process - be a cockroach, not a dodo Change is not predictable Scanning the external world Keeping your eye on the horizon Grasping opportunity

21 Strategy in a changing world It’s about outcomes




25 Barbara Young Chief Executive Environment Agency

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