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Abnormal EEG brain in neurological disease

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1 Abnormal EEG brain in neurological disease
แพทย์หญิง กาญจนา พิทักษ์วัฒนานนท์ อายุรแพทย์ผู้เชี่ยวชาญระบบประสาท แพทย์ประจำศูนย์สมอง โรงพยาบาลสมิติเวชศรีราชา

2 10 – 20 system

3 Records the difference between two Active scalp electrodes
Bipolar montage

4 Referential montage Active scalp electrode
Inactive scalp / ear electrode : A1 , A2 Referential montage

5 Reference / Bipolar montage

6 If the voltage input from electrode 2 is relatively “ positive ” compared to electrode 1 ,
then the pen will deflect “ up ” If electrode 2 is relatively “ negative ” compared to electrode 1 , then the pen will deflect “ down ” If electrode 1 equal to electrode 2 , then the pen stay “ baseline ” Polarity

7 Different Montage : Polarity

8 EEG interpretation Identify background rhythms ( frequency )
Alpha Hz Beta 13 – 40 Hz Theta 4 – 8 Hz Delta < 4 Hz Mu 7 – 11 Hz Sleep stage ( awake , NREM , REM ) Identify any abnormal patterns Slow patterns Diffusely , Focally Symmetry , Asymmetry Paroxysms Spike , spike and wave complex , sharp wave Triphasic waves PLEDs ( Periodic lateralizing epileptiform discharges ) Localize those abnormal patterns Maximum amplitude ( Referential montage ) Phase reversal / Reciprocal changes ( Bipolar montage ) EEG interpretation

9 Background rhythm / frequency

10 Sleep stage : Background

11 Epilepsy

12 Factor lowering seizure threshold
Common Sleep deprivation , Alcohol withdrawal , Television flicker , Systemic infection , Head trauma , Recreational drugs , antiepileptic drug , Menstruation Occasional Dehydration , Barbiturate / Benzodiazepine withdrawal , Hyperventilation , Flashing lights , Diet and missed meals , Specific reflex trigger , Stress , Intense exercise Factor lowering seizure threshold

13 Activation tecniques ( EEG )
Rountine electroencephalograms Hyperventilation Photic stimulation Sleep-deprivation Prolonged ambulatory recording Video – EEG telemetry Magnetoencephalography : Research Activation tecniques ( EEG )

14 Seizure

15 Epileptiform discharge / Spike

16 Focal seizure : spike ( phase reversal )

17 Herpes simple encephalitis
PLEDs ( Periodic lateralizing epileptiform discharges ) Herpes simple encephalitis

18 Ictal EEG : Spike and waves complexs

19 Generalized seizure

20 Absence seizure 3 Hz spike and wave complexs

21 Syndrome of epilepsy

22 Syndrome of epilepsy

23 CJD – Mad cow disease Diffused slow pattern : encephalopathy

24 Prion encephalitis Triphasic waves

25 Severe dementia Triphasic waves : degenerative disease

26 Encephalopathy

27 Comatose

28 Brain death

29 Sleep or Death

30 Sleep Spindle

31 Sleep spindle / K complex

32 Sleep

33 Sleep Lab / Polysomnography

34 Hypnogram

35 Eye Blink Artifact

36 Artifact

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