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 Often works best when dealing with ordinary life and controversial topics.  “Humor, especially satire, is a knifes edge that had better cut precisely.

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2  Often works best when dealing with ordinary life and controversial topics.  “Humor, especially satire, is a knifes edge that had better cut precisely or not at all.”  Darker side of humor › Can make people feel superior to its targets of ridicule › Bullies and cliques often use humor to torment their innocent victims

3  Confident speakers may make fun of themselves seeming clever yet aware of their own limitations  Make your audience laugh › Serious political begin with jokes- puts listeners at ease and helps them identify with the speaker

4  Many kinds  Satire › Popular among college students › The Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy, S.N.L. › Often shifts perspective urging a look at a situation in a new way  Parody › Taking something familiar and turns it into something new › Works best when audiences make connection

5  Point out flaws in policy, proposal, or other kinds of argument  Suggest policy of your own  Put people in a favorable frame of mind  Acknowledge weaknesses or deflect criticism  Satirize or parody a position or point of view

6  Very powerful › Engrave pictures in your mind  Visual Literacy › Being able to consider a presentation and how its visual elements affect the way you perceive the information

7  Ask › Who is the creator, what is his/her attitude toward the image › What media is being used and what role does it play › What does the visual text assume about its viewers › How does the text make you feel › What purpose does the text convey › What is “highlighted” or catchy › What colors are used › How are you direct to move within arguments › Is anything repeated

8  Images that reinforce authority and credibility  How does your design reflect your character? › Fonts style and size used  Follow required design convention › Shows competence

9  Organize information visually › Similar heading usually related › Large font should be more important then lesser size font  Convey data efficiently › Charts, maps, diagrams  Follow profession guidelines  Check for copyrighted material

10  Very powerful › pictures -> emotions -> actions  Color matters › Red dress, blue lights › Common sense principles

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