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Uranium setup for the neutrino line experiment. Schematic diagram of Booster_BtA_AGS Complex Booster BtA AGS SS_A06 Injection Point and Matching point.

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Presentation on theme: "Uranium setup for the neutrino line experiment. Schematic diagram of Booster_BtA_AGS Complex Booster BtA AGS SS_A06 Injection Point and Matching point."— Presentation transcript:

1 Uranium setup for the neutrino line experiment

2 Schematic diagram of Booster_BtA_AGS Complex Booster BtA AGS SS_A06 Injection Point and Matching point SS_L20_Injection Septum Exit SS_F6_Septum Extraction Point Beginning of BtA SS_A05_kicker SS_F03_kicker L20 Pos. & Ang. Inj. Bumps Extraction Bumps G and H extraction bumps to AtR H10 Extraction Septum to AtR U_Line SS-H13 Start AtR Line

3 Schematic arrangement of current transformers and Flags/stripping foils in the U/W line during U +90 +91 +92 transport 4.25 0 bend uxf1 Uf2 uxf3 Au +77 +78 +79 8 0 bend 20 0 bend U +90 U +90 +91 +92 wxf1 U +90 +91 +92 W foil 0.025 mm Uf3 Uf4 Uf5 Wf1 Wf2 Wf3 Uf1,Uf2,Uf3,Uf4, Uf5 (2 mil Gd2O2S:Tb on 1 mil Al subtray) Wf1,Wf2, Wf3 (2 mil Gd2O2S:Tb on 1 mil Al sub tray) Uf1

4 Uranium beam at AGS Extraction species 238 U +90 B  =92.816 Tm  rel =0.995125  =10.14065  t=25 ns

5 Beam Optics (AGS to target of Neutrino Line) Establish circulating beam in AGS at extraction energy with extraction bumps turned on. Start at G10 kicker location (G10 kicker ON) and transport the beam down to neutrino line. – Constrains used in beam transport: Maintain beam size to clear beam apertures. Beam achromatic at the target location???



8 Stripping effect of W stripper or Uf2 on U +90

9 How do we reduce the beam at the target to 5000 particles/bunch Focus the U +90 on target and use dipole and quadrupoles to deflect the core of the beam and also defocus it. Focus the U +90 on target and use insert the W sripper and/or the Uf2 flag to strip away the tripped U ions and hope the intensity of the unstripped ions is good enough to be detected at the target. Alternatively change the setting of the 8 o bend to allow the U +91 beam which has higher intensity.. Focus the U +90 on target and use insert flags down stream of the 8 o bend. Defocus the beam using Q10 to Q13 qudrupoles.

10 Stripping of 10.3 GeV/n Au +77 ions Using: a) 1.0 [mm] Al 2 O 3 b) 0.025 [mm] W foil c) 0.051 [mm] Gd 2 O 2 S:Tb on 0.0254 [mm] Al Only results from measurements are presented. For any other information on the measurements please conduct

11 Schematic arrangement of incoming Au +77 ions, the stripping foil and the ions emerging after the foil Stripping foil Au +77 Au +77 Au +78 Au +79

12 Measurements of some quantities after stripping. See next slide for explanation Stripping Foil Mat. [mm] Au +79 [%] Au +78 [%] Au +77 [%]     Fragm. [%] 0.025 W<0.05<5<0.5 1.0 Al 2 O 3 99.990.010.00?0.25204.0 0.051 Gd 2 O 2 S 76222<0.05<5<0.5 * The symbol “<“ in the Table signifies that the value of the measured quantity is below the resolution of the measuring device.

13 Explaining the Table of the previous slide Column# Remarks 1Thickness and composition of the stripping material 2Fraction of charge state Au +79 emerging from striping foil. Current transformers were used if all the charge state populations were >1% Visual Flags were used if any of the charge state populations were <1% 3Fraction of charge state Au +78 emerging from striping foil. 4Fraction of charge state Au +77 emerging from striping foil. The visual Flags indicated the presence of Au +77 but it was difficult to quantify. 5Energy loss of the incident beam Au +77 after it was stripped to Au +79 6Increase in the beam emittance. The measured beam emittance of the Au +77 beam with no stripping is ~10  [mm·mrad]. 7Nuclear Fragmentation of the incident beam Au +77 due to the interaction with the foil material.

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