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Friday Evening Worship. INVITATION Then he said, “Come no closer! Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground.”

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Presentation on theme: "Friday Evening Worship. INVITATION Then he said, “Come no closer! Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Friday Evening Worship

2 INVITATION Then he said, “Come no closer! Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground.” (Exodus 3:5) We invite all those present to take off your shoes and experience this place as sacred space

3 GATHERING SONG: A Circle of Life One great circle of life, living circle of love Plants and trees, seas and rivers and the blessed sky above. Creatures great, creatures small form the web that weaves us all In the circle of life. Words/music by Marty Haugen, CCLI license No. 2486767

4 SCRIPTURE READING: Proverbs 8:1-6, 17-36




8 Prints by Frank Tschakert

9 WORDS OF CONFESSION Wisdom teach us stillness ALL: As the grasses are stilled with light Wisdom, teach us suffering As old stones suffer with memory

10 Wisdom, teach us humility As blossoms are humble with beginning Wisdom, teach us caring As the mother secures her young Wisdom, teach us courage As the tree which stands all alone Wisdom, teach us limitation As the ant which crawls on the ground

11 Wisdom, teach us freedom As the eagle which soars in the sky Wisdom, teach us resignation As the leaves which die in the fall Wisdom, teach us regeneration As the seed which rises in the spring Wisdom, teach us to forget ourselves As melted snow forgets its life

12 Wisdom, teach us to remember kindness As dry fields weep with rain. Amen.

13 Spirit of the Living God O Spirit of the living God, thou Light and Fire Divine Descend upon Thy Church once more and make it truly Thine Fill it with love and joy and power, with righteousness and peace Till Christ shall dwell in human hearts, and sin and sorrow cease. Words: Henry H. Tweedy, 1933. Music: Forest Green, arranged by Ralph Vaughan Will­iams, 1906, CCLI license No. 2486767

14 Blow, wind of God, with wisdom blow until our minds are free from mists of error, clouds of doubt, which blind our eyes to Thee Burn, winged fire, inspire our lips with flaming love and zeal To preach to all Thy great good news, God’s glorious commonweal.

15 So shall we know the power of Christ, who came this world to save So shall we rise with Him to life which soars beyond the grave And earth shall win true holiness, which makes Thy children whole Till, perfected by Thee, we reach creation’s glorious goal.


17 REFLECTION “Mom, is the earth alive?” We all need new eyes to see


19 SONG: TOUCH THE EARTH LIGHTLY Touch the earth lightly; use the earth gently, nourish the life of the world in our care: gift of great wonder, ours to surrender, trust for the children tomorrow will bear. Copyright © 1995 by The Pilgrim Press CCLI license No. 2486767

20 Let there be greening, birth from the burning, Water that blesses and air that is sweet, Health in God’s garden, Hope in God’s children, Regeneration that peace will complete. God of all living, God of all loving, God of the seedling, the snow and the sun, Teach us deflect us, Christ re-connect us, Using us gently, and making us one.

21 BENEDICTION Jesus said, “Pray and not give up.” Therefore let us not pray for easy lives; But pray to be stronger women and men. Let us not pray for tasks equal to our powers. But for power equal to our tasks.

22 Then, the doing of our work will be no miracle. We will be the miracle. And every day we will wonder at the richness of life. And the power of hope that has come to us by the grace of God.

23 SENDING SONG: The Peace of the Earth The peace of the earth be with you The peace of the heavens too The peace of the rivers be with you The peace of the oceans too Deep peace falling over you God’s peace growing in you Guatamalan folk song, CCLI license No. 2486767

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