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Published byEthelbert Ward Modified over 10 years ago
English 1H Vocabulary Units 13-15
1. ad infinitum (adv.) endlessly SYN: forever, unceasingly, incessantly, ceaselessly ANT: succinctly, concisely, tersely, briefly
2. apportion (v.) to divide and give out in shares SYN: distribute, allot, parcel out, allocate
3. bona fide (adj.) genuine; sincere SYN: authentic, indisputable, legitimate, certified ANT: false, fake, bogus, spurious, counterfeit
4. buoyant (adj.) able to float easily; able to hold things up; cheerful, hopeful SYN: blithe, jaunty, lighthearted, animated ANT: downcast, depressed, gloomy, morose
5. clique (n.) a small, exclusive group of people SYN: inner circle, coterie
6. concede (v.) to admit as true; to yield, submit SYN: acknowledge, grant, allow, assent ANT: contest, dispute, gainsay, challenge
7. congenial (adj.) getting on well with others; agreeable, pleasant SYN: friendly, sociable, amiable, compatible ANT: disagreeable, surly, cold, standoffish
8. lofty (adj.) very high; noble SYN: elevated, towering, exalted, grand ANT: base, petty, low, sordid, despicable
9. migration (n.) a movement from one country or region to another SYN: population shift, mass movement
10. perceive (v.) to be aware of through the senses, observe; to grasp mentally SYN: notice, discern, understated ANT: miss, overlook, be blind to
11. perverse (adj.) inclined to go against what is expected; stubborn; turned away from what is good and proper SYN: obstinate, contrary, mulish, wayward ANT: tractable, docile, amenable, yielding
12. prelude (n.) an introduction; that which comes before or leads off SYN: preface, overture, prologue, “curtain-raiser” ANT: epilogue, postlude, aftermath
13. rancid (adj.) stale, spoiled SYN: foul, rank, fetid, sour, rotten, putrid ANT: wholesome, fresh
14. rustic (adj.) country-like; simple, plain; awkward (n.) one who lives in the country SYN: (adj.) rough, unsophisticated, countrified ANT: (adj.) citified, urban, sophisticated, suave
15. sever (v.) to separate, divide into parts SYN: cut off, amputate, break off, dissolve ANT: join, unite, weld together
16. sordid (adj.) wretchedly poor; run-down; mean or selfish SYN: filthy, squalid, base, vile, seedy, sleazy ANT: pure, noble, opulent, lavish
17. untenable (adj.) not capable of being held or defended; impossible to maintain SYN: indefensible, insupportable, groundless ANT: irrefutable, impregnable, incontestable
18. versatile (adj.) able to do many things, well; capable of many uses SYN: adaptable, handy, all- around, many- sided ANT: limited, specialized, restricted
19. vindicate (v.) to clear from hint or charge of wrongdoing; to defend successfully against opposition; to justify SYN: acquit, absolve, exonerate, advocate ANT: implicate, incriminate, condemn, convict
20. wane (v.) to lose size, strength, or power SYN: diminish, decline, subside, dwindle ANT: grow, wax, amplify, balloon, increase
1. annex (v.) to add to, attach; to incorporate (n.) an attachment or addition SYN: (v.) join, acquire, appropriate, procure
2. cleave (v.) to cut or split open; to cling to SYN: sever, halve, sunder, adhere, clasp
3. cordial (adj.) in a friendly manner, hearty; cheery (n.) a liqueur SYN: (adj.) hospitable, affable, warm, convivial ANT: (adj.) gruff, unfriendly, unsociable
4. cornerstone (n.) the starting point of a building; a fundamental principle or element SYN: foundation, base, underpinning, support
5. debacle (n.) an overwhelming defeat, rout; a complete collapse or failure SYN: disaster, fiasco, calamity ANT: success, triumph, victory, coup
6. devitalize (v.) to make weak or lifeless SYN: enfeeble, sap, enervate ANT: enliven, stimulate, energize, excite
7. embroil (v.) to involve in a conflict or difficulty; to throw into confusion SYN: entangle, ensnarl ANT: disentangle, separate, disconnect
8. exonerate (v.) to clear from a charge or accusation SYN: absolve, acquit, vindicate, exculpate ANT: implicate, incriminate, inculpate
9. glib (adj.) ready and fluent in speech; thoughtless, insincere SYN: superficial, pat, oily, unctuous, facile ANT: halting, tongue- tied, speechless, awkward she [Kim K.] didn’t make a dime of the wedding Whatever [political system] they have in Korea, that’s bad.
10. haphazard (adj.) by chance, not planned; lacking order SYN: random, accidental, slapdash ANT: deliberate, purposeful, orderly, meticulous
11. improvise (v.) to compose or perform without preparation; to construct from available materials SYN: ad-lib, play it by ear, wing it, extemporize ANT: plan, rehearse, practice, prepare
12. incite (v.) to rouse, stir up, urge on SYN: spur, kindle, provoke, instigate, prompt ANT: check, curb, impede, restrain, smother
13. influx (n.) a coming in, inflow SYN: inpouring, inrush, invasion ANT: outpouring, exodus, departure
14. pallor (n.) an extreme or unnatural paleness SYN: wanes, lividness, bloodlessness ANT: flush, blush, rosiness, bloom
15. pedigree (n.) a list of ancestors, family tree; the history or origins of something SYN: lineage, ancestry, genealogy
16. precipitous (adj.) very steep SYN: sheer, abrupt, sharp ANT: gradual, shallow, graded, incremental
17. profuse (adj.) very abundant; given or flowing freely SYN: extravagant, lavish, bounteous, plenteous ANT: sparse, scanty, meager, insufficient
18. reconcile (v.) to restore to friendship; to settle; to resign (oneself) SYN: unite, conciliate, mend fences ANT: antagonize, alienate, drive a wedge between
19. shackle (v.) to put into chains (n., usually pl.) a chain, fetter SYN: (v.) manacle, enslave; (n.) handcuffs, bonds, irons ANT: (v.) free, unfetter, emancipate, liberate
20. threadbare (adj.) shabby, old and worn SYN: frayed, seedy, ragged, shopworn, trite ANT: luxurious, plush, costly, sumptuous
1. abase (v.) to lower in esteem, degrade; to humble SYN: lower, humiliate, prostrate, demean ANT: elevate, ennoble, exalt
2. actuate (v.) to move to action; to impel SYN: trigger, incite, instigate
3. avert (v.) to turn aside, turn away; to prevent, avoid SYN: stop, deflect, ward off, preclude ANT: invite, induce, provoke, cause
4. boorish (adj.) rude, unrefined; clumsy SYN: vulgar, crude, uncouth, ill- mannered, gauche ANT: suave, urbane, polished, courtly, well- bred
5. brunt (n.) the main impact, force, or burden SYN: blow, shock ANT: aftershock, aftermath, repercussion
6. combatant (n.) a fighter (adj.) engaged in fighting SYN: (n.) soldier, disputant, warrior; (Adj.) hostile, battling ANT: (n.) civilian; (adj.) peaceful, neutral
7. dormant (adj.) inactive; in a state of suspension; sleeping SYN: resting, still, quiescent ANT: awake, active, lively, productive
8. dubious (adj.) causing uncertainty or suspicion; in a doubtful or uncertain state of mind, hesitant SYN: questionable, suspect, unsettled, undecided ANT: certain, positive, indubitable, reliable
9. harangue (v.) to deliver a loud, ranting speech (n.) a loud speech SYN: (v.) rant, lecture; (n.) tirade, diatribe ANT: (n.) whisper, murmur, undertone
10. harry (v.) to make a destructive raid on; to torment, harass SYN: badger, pester, hound, pillage, ravage
11. impertinent (adj.) not feeling remorse or sorrow for errors or offenses SYN: remorseless, unrepentant, incorrigible ANT: ashamed, remorseful, contrite, apologetic Let them eat cake!
12. knave (n.) a tricky, unprincipled, or deceitful fellow SYN: rascal, rogue, scoundrel, miscreant
13. legion (n.) a large military force; any large group or number (adj.) many, numerous SYN: (n.) multitude, host, throng, division, regiment ANT: (n.) squad, platoon; (adj.) few, sparse
14. liberality (n.) generously, generous act; breadth of mind or outlook SYN: largesse, magnanimity, broad- mindedness ANT: stinginess, miserliness, narrow- mindedness
15. plaintiff (n.) one who begins a lawsuit SYN: complainant, accuser ANT: defendant, accused
16. probe (v.) to examine, investigate thoroughly (n.) an investigation; a device used to explore or examine SYN: (v.) explore, scrutinize; (n.) inquiry, detector ANT: (v.) conceal, hide; (n.) cover-up, whitewash
17. protract (v.) to draw out or lengthen in space or time SYN: prolong, extend, elongate, spin out ANT: contract, compress, concentrate
18. quarry (v.) to cut or take from (or as if from) a quarry (n.) a place from which stone is taken; something that is hunted or pursued SYN: (n.) prey, game, victim, excavation, pit, mine ANT: (n.) hunter, predator, pursuer
19. spurn (v.) to refuse with scorn, disdain SYN: turn down, reject, decline, snub, repudiate ANT: accept, welcome, greet
20. subterfuge (n.) an excuse or trick for escaping or hiding something SYN: dodge, blind, ruse, deception, artifice
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