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Synergistic Approach of Asteroid Exploitation and Planetary Protection From Threat to Action 9-12 May 2011 Joan-Pau.

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Presentation on theme: "Synergistic Approach of Asteroid Exploitation and Planetary Protection From Threat to Action 9-12 May 2011 Joan-Pau."— Presentation transcript:


2 Synergistic Approach of Asteroid Exploitation and Planetary Protection From Threat to Action 9-12 May 2011 Joan-Pau Sanchez 2011 IAA Planetary Defense Conference

3 Use an arrow like this to mark current section Introduction  Possible synergies between space systems capable of deflecting realistic impact threat and, at the same time, gravitationally capturing small asteroids for later resource exploitation. Low-thrust tugboat model as a space system. Tugboat system attaches to the asteroid surface and provides continuous thrust. 1.Assessment on the capability of such a system to deflect realistic impact threats. 2.Statistical population that could be manoeuvre into Earth-bound orbits. Introduction Deflection: 1. Procedure 2. Impactors 3. Protection Asteroid Capture 9-12 May 2011 2Joan Pau Sanchez Source: ESA

4 Use an arrow like this to mark current section Deflection: Procedure Introduction Deflection: 1. Procedure 2. Impactors 3. Protection Asteroid Capture 9-12 May 2011 3Joan Pau Sanchez Earth orbit NEO orbit Rendezvous Trajectory  17,518 impactors. Deflection Action 1. Baseline Design 5,000 kg wet mass v ∞ of 2.5 km/s Medium-to-large mission  The objective is to compute the mass of the largest object that the tugboat system could deflect from each one of the impacting orbits.

5 Use an arrow like this to mark current section Deflection: Set of Virtual Impactors Introduction Deflection: 1. Procedure 2. Impactors 3. Protection Asteroid Capture 9-12 May 2011 4Joan Pau Sanchez Set of virtual impactors plotted as dots of size and colour as a function of the relative frequency that should be expected for each impactor. =1% =0.2% =0.05% =0.01% ≤ 0.005%  Complete set of weighted impactors:

6 Use an arrow like this to mark current section Deflection: Planetary Protection Introduction Deflection: 1. Procedure 2. Impactors 3. Protection Asteroid Capture 9-12 May 2011 5Joan Pau Sanchez Type of Event Approximate range of Impact Energies (MT) Approximate Range Size of Impactor Airburst1 to 10 MT15 to 75 m Local Scale10 to 100 MT30 to 170 m Regional Scale100 to 1,000 MT70 to 360 m Continental Scale1,000 MT to 20,000 MT150 m to 1 km Global20,000 MT to 10,000,000 MT400 m to 8 km Mass ExtinctionAbove 10,000,000 MT>3.5 km Table 1: Impact hazard categories Type of EventLead Time 1 year2.5 years5 Years10 Years20 years Airburst51%93%99%100% Local Damage0.01%1.6%18%78%98% Regional D.0% 6% Continental D.0% Global D.0% Table 2: Levels of Planetary Protection

7 Use an arrow like this to mark current section Asteroid Capture Concept 9-12 May 2011 6Joan Pau Sanchez  On the possibility of moving small near Earth asteroids and inserting them onto Earth bound trajectories for later utilization. How much material could a 5000 kg low thrust spacecraft transport back to Earth?  Low Thrust is a very limiting constraint. The final Earth orbit insertion needs to be ballistic or unaided by the propulsion system.  Ballistic capture may be possible for objects with relative velocities v ∞ below 1 km/s.  Grazing aero-assisted trajectories may be possible to capture objects with relative velocities v ∞ above 1 km/s. Only aero-braking trajectories are designed so that maximum dynamical pressure does not exceed material Strength. Introduction Deflection: 1. Procedure 2. Impactors 3. Protection Asteroid Capture

8 Use an arrow like this to mark current section Asteroid Capture Concept Type of Capture Lead Time 1 year2.5 years5 Years10 Years20 years Ballistic >60t (12) >105t (21) >220t (44) >385t (77) >590t (118) Dustball Str./10 >170t (34) >290t (58) >610t (122) >1,060t (212) >1,675t (335) Dustball Strength >520t (104) >915t (183) >2,130t (426) >3,820t (764) >6,420t (1284) Stony Strength >2,955t (591) >4,200t (840) >8,200t (1640) >13,140t (2628) >22,965t (4593) Iron-Nickel Str. >6,965t (1394) >11,490t (2298) >25,585t (5117) >40,745t (8149) >64,710t (12943) Introduction Deflection: 1. Procedure 2. Impactors 3. Protection Asteroid Capture 9-12 May 2011 7Joan Pau Sanchez Table 3: Largest mass returned to Earth - parenthesis: fraction returned mass compared with the initial wet mass of the spacecraft  How much material could a 5000 kg low thrust spacecraft transport back to Earth?

9 Thank you! Contact email:

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