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Back-to-School Night PBVM Catholic School Sacramento, CA September 7, 2011.

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1 Back-to-School Night PBVM Catholic School Sacramento, CA September 7, 2011

2 From Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Became a Dominican Sister of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist in 2002 after college and teaching for a year Last summer made my perpetual vows as a sister (for all my life!) This is going into my 7 th year teaching BS in both Elementary and Special Education, Masters in Special Education, & pursuing Masters in Educational Leadership this year

3 Religion (plus Catechesis of the Good Shepherd) Language Arts (Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar) Reading Street by Houghton Mifflin Reading Naturally (monitoring fluency program) Mathematics (California Math by Houghton Mifflin) Science (Salli Ford’s labs and learning) Social Studies Specials: P.E., Computers/Spanish, Art, & Music

4 7:40-7:55 am Bell Work 7:55-8:25 A.M. Morning Assembly *(7:50-8:40 A.M. School Mass on Fridays) 8:25-8:35 A.M. Calendar rug time 8:35-9:30 A.M. Math 9:30-9:45 A.M. Recess 9:45-10:50 A.M. Special (Gym, Computers, etc) 10:50-11:45 A.M. Language Arts 11:45-12:25 P.M. Lunch & Recess 12:30-1:45P.M. Language Arts or Special (Art, Science, Catechesis) 1:45-2:10 P.M. Religion 2:10-2:40 P.M. Independent Work 2:40- 2:50 P.M. Clean-up & Prayer *Schedule is subject to change Gym- Mondays & Wednesdays @ 10 am Reading Naturally – Tuesday mornings Wednesday’s are Science labs & Catechesis of Good Shepherd Center Thursdays we will typically be making chapel visits to adore the Blessed Sacrament in the Church (12:30-1pm)

5 E-mail School Speak ~check 2 nd grade for updates Please call the school or write a note & I’ll get back to you Student Blue folder Needs to be seen and singed every night (notice Return to School & Keep Home sides of folder) Any special papers, forms, graded tests etc will be found there Use comment section or back of paper if needed

6 Most nights there will be assigned homework (See blue folder every night) Math homework: Please check their work! Use the website for more practice! A-Z Readers System: (Read 1 at least twice each night& complete Reader’s Journal- all due Friday) Spelling: pages due every Friday Name, class #, and date are needed at the top of each assignment (completed in pencil) Neatness and being on time is important!

7 1. Strive always to be a great Knight of Christ 2. Be honest 3. Always do your best 4. Raise your hand to speak 5. Respect others

8 Levels (peasant, page, squire, knight) Movement (after 10 consecutive days move up rank. Every time you reach knight level you earn knight’s clothing/item) Anonymous names aren’ Recognition of virtuous behavior in self and others Proving virtue (the habit of doing the good means consistency over time!) Red- Yellow-Green Light Green Light Good behavior and possible movement of Dominican Court shield (10 straight days then move up a rank) Yellow Light Warning for undesirable behavior ~You can’t move up on Dominican Court (restart counting) Red Light Still not behaving appropriately (3 Reds mean call home!) You move back to peasant rank Dominican Court


10  You will see # correct over # of total points  Low grades on Tests will require parent signature and in some cases a retake of the test material  I won’t assign letter grades The 2 nd grade report card does not give grades but numbers: 5 is (95%-100% 4 is (94%-85%) 3 is (84%-75%) 2 is (74% -below)

11 If you are interested in being a chaperone/driver on a field trip you will need to be fingerprinted and have updated insurance forms on file in the office. See sign up sheet on back table if you’d be interested in helping to lead educational centers during Harvest trip or Retreat day Harvest Walnut Farm field trip Science and Space Discovery Museum field trip First Holy Communion Retreat (mainly on campus of school)

12 If you want to have milk for your child it is $55 fee for the whole year Teacher’s Aide: Mrs. Michelle McFetridge Please sign the sheets in the back if you’re interested Rosetta Stone (Please purchase your headsets in the office!!!) Reading Naturally – need to buy 8 more I-pods for the program

13 Please check SchoolSpeak at least weekly (The new week’s info will be posted by Saturday evening! But I recommend daily checking for updates that do occur. Also see general school information on the website School phone number 482-0351 ext. 312

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