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Advisory Working Groups Town of Union Vale April 8, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Advisory Working Groups Town of Union Vale April 8, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advisory Working Groups Town of Union Vale April 8, 2015

2 Agenda  Introductions  Recap –About Advisory Working Groups (AWG) –Project Overview & Update –AWG Recap  Tonight’s topics –Article VII Review Process –Vegetation –Visual Impact  Planning for next AWG 2

3 Tonight’s Team  Bob De Meyere – Cricket Valley Energy (CVE)  Mike Guski – Epsilon Associates, Inc.  David Klinch – Epsilon Associates, Inc.  Nora Madonick – Arch Street Communications  Tom Clemmons – Arch Street Communications  Michael LaPick – Arch Street Communications 3

4 What is an Advisory Working Group (AWG)?  Informal, unofficial opportunities for the public and project experts to share information and ideas  Not required by the public process – additional outreach by Cricket Valley Energy – comments are not part of the official public record  No specialized knowledge is needed – technical information will be presented in plain language  If you are attending as a member of an organization, please share what you learn tonight with your members  Announced via website, postcards, email blast, calendar listing, posters, advertising, posting on town websites 4

5 Recap: Project Overview  Cricket Valley Energy is a 1000 MW energy generation facility in Dover, NY  Fully approved and permitted  Completed State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) process  Restoration of abandoned industrial site 5

6 Recap: New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)  CVE has been required by NYISO to increase transmission/transfer capacity, redundancy, and operational capacities by:  Funding and installing 14.6-mile transmission line in existing right-of-way between CVE in Dover and Con Edison substation in Pleasant Valley  Reconductoring 3.4-mile segment of existing line between CVE substation and the NY/CT border  Upgrading Pleasant Valley substation (within existing footprint) security/communication infrastructure 6  NOT part of any of the following transmission line projects: NY Transco Edic to Pleasant Valley; NEXTERA New Scotland to Pleasant Valley; North American Transmission; or Boundless Energy Transmission

7 AWG Recap (December 2014 meeting)  Project Benefits (Short & Long Term) −Labor and workforce −Sourcing local business −Low impact design  Design Factors −Revised pole heights reviewed by Con Edison and NYS Department of Public Service (DPS); compliant with National Electric Safety Code (NESC) −Use of Insulated Cables: Technically impractical −Ice/Wind Loads: Designs exceed NESC code minimums 7

8 Article VII Review Process  Ensures public is fully involved in the review process before a major infrastructure project is approved  State Law requires a full assessment of the project  Provides a forum for residents to participate in the review with State and local officials  Article VII is not subject to SEQRA (State Environmental Quality Review Act), however: −Requires environmental analysis −Requires impact minimization 8

9 Article VII Review Process (cont’d) 9

10 10  Cricket Valley Transmission Public Involvement Plan –Attend: Advisory Working Groups – scheduled throughout the Project review process –Visit: –Email: to sign up for Project updates –Call: (845) 877-0596 –Mail: Cricket Valley Energy Transmission Upgrade PO Box 407 Dover Plains, NY 12522


12 Vegetation 12  Purpose: Prevent power outages that can occur if trees or tree limbs fall on transmission lines during severe weather events, such as strong winds, lightening, and ice storms  Existing Con Edison ROW is already 90% clear  Tree clearance will represent less than 8% of the total area of the ROW  All vegetation clearance will be performed by licensed arborists and trained foresters in accordance with vegetation clearance protocols to protect the environment




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