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Sector, what sector? Dr. Del Morgan. An experiment in providing language skills for adults What can be done for these people? How can we encourage them.

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Presentation on theme: "Sector, what sector? Dr. Del Morgan. An experiment in providing language skills for adults What can be done for these people? How can we encourage them."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sector, what sector? Dr. Del Morgan

2 An experiment in providing language skills for adults What can be done for these people? How can we encourage them into the fold? Can we help them find their confidence? “A university course – me …??!!!”

3 Language Skills - Unilang Traditionally, small numbers studying languages academically and in depth... But, now, dwindling numbers and lack of interest and take-up... However, increasing demand for basic skills in language for business and pleasure... So target large numbers to gain additional language skills “on top”


5 Unilang Facilities Multi-media language skills packages Satellite television and video channels Database of recorded/able audio tracks Access to Internet language sites Six native language versions of MS Word Magazines in various languages Student Support Officers on duty

6 Meanwhile … (Out there in the community)

7 The Community Challenge Increasing numbers interested in languages Traditional adult learners – “HE-averse” However, latent abilities and confidence Need to tap/overcome these to succeed Delivery model needs flexibility

8 Incremental Roll-out Initial pilot – one-off Issues with recruitment, attendance, support materials, assessment, demographics, length of module, level of module, continuity, tutor consistency One module delivered through Welsh External examiners pleased

9 Unilang Community Modules2003 - 2006 2003-20042004-20052005-2006 Spanish83456 French01013 Total84469

10 Tutor Comments “A lively and pleasant group … some were stretched to attend classes due to personal commitments …” “Assessments scheduled just before the Christmas holidays were badly attended” “All the students managed to achieve a basic knowledge of the Spanish language” “Accreditation is a definite incentive for learners”

11 Learners’ Comments “The tutor made the learning experience very interesting … and fun!” “I hope that there’s a follow-on course” “To have the course local is important” “There was a lot to learn in ten weeks”

12 (Graph)


14 Where next?

15 Move with the times … Use (and re-use) technology Integrate personal/group learning methods Innovate with approaches to assessment Listen to students …





20 Build on the Foundation Celebrate the success Use existing cohorts to promote recruitment Introduce further levels Encourage progression – in any form … Seek commitment from all quarters …

21 Sector, what sector? Dr. Del Morgan

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