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Drugs By Marcus Fuller Phetslat Carlton Kris Lunsford – Barrett and Chase Ropp.

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Presentation on theme: "Drugs By Marcus Fuller Phetslat Carlton Kris Lunsford – Barrett and Chase Ropp."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drugs By Marcus Fuller Phetslat Carlton Kris Lunsford – Barrett and Chase Ropp

2 Summary Our video is going to about a boy named Kris. He is going to get pressured into doing drugs. His friend Marcus stops him from taking the drugs but Kris ignores Marcus and takes the drugs anyway. A week later Kris see’s changes in his body. Kris then decides to go to Marcus for advice. But Marcus denies Kris for not trusting him, but then Marcus realizes that Kris Learned his lesson and he then forgives Kris and then tries to give Kris some advice. Marcus tells Kris about the 8 ways to say no to drugs.

3 The 8 ways to say no to Drugs 1.Say no thanks 2.Give a reason or excuse 3.Keep saying no 4.Walk away 5.Changing the subject 6.Avoiding the situation 7.Cold shoulder 8.Strength in numbers

4 Type of shots going to be used in our video Wide group shots Over the shoulder shots First person shots Following shots Close up shots Long distance shots

5 Purpose of the video This video is suppose to show how bad drugs are like, what they can do to someone’s body and can show the watchers what to do to prevent doing drugs.

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