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Romanticism. Assignments: English 10  Vocabulary Unit 2 due Nov. 22  Paragraph written chronological order due Tuesday, Nov. 9.  Quiz on organizational.

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Presentation on theme: "Romanticism. Assignments: English 10  Vocabulary Unit 2 due Nov. 22  Paragraph written chronological order due Tuesday, Nov. 9.  Quiz on organizational."— Presentation transcript:

1 Romanticism

2 Assignments: English 10  Vocabulary Unit 2 due Nov. 22  Paragraph written chronological order due Tuesday, Nov. 9.  Quiz on organizational patterns on Nov. 12

3 American Romanticism  1800-1860

4 What led to the Romantic period?

5 The Industrial Revolution  The Industrial Revolution occurs in the Mid-1700s.  In the US, mills are opened and women and children go to work.

6 Industrial Revolution, cont.  The steamboat and the railroad change transportation forever.  Greater infrastructure brings together different parts of the country.

7 The Mills and Factories http://www.laugalaekjarskoli. is/verk/NaAm2/Lowell.html Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire victims 1911

8 Working Conditions  Lowell’s Factories:  A. Up at 4:30, off work at 7:00 pm, in bed at the boarding house at 10:00 pm  B. Required to go to church; no male visitors.

9  C. Boarding house rooms held up to 6 girls  D. Average age was 24; some as young as 10 years old. /dept/americanstudies/lavende r/graphics/ttable.jpg

10 The Civil War

11  Northern states relied on manufacturing.  Southern states relied on farming, specifically on cotton and slave labor.

12 Age of Reform  Prisons and Mental Institutions Prison Reform 1850s Treatment of Mentally Ill 1840s

13 Age of Reform Women’s Suffrage 1912 Ending Slavery

14 American Romanticism Based largely on optimism

15 Optimism: Half empty or half full?

16 Optimism—the glass is half full. US citizens felt optimistic for many reasons:  The little colonies beat the big British Empire.  Everyone can succeed. Andrew Jackson—not an upper-class guy— becomes president in 1828.  Reform movements are common.

17 Idealism and Transcendentalism  Idealism—philosophy based on idea that evidence of the divine is not found in the outer world as much as the inner world of the individual. This philosophy originated in Germany.  Transcend—to move above or beyond.  Transcendentalism—philosophy based on the idea that one moves beyond the physical to the spiritual through awareness. Intuition, introspection, and self-trust. Many American Romantic writers were also Transcendentalists.

18 Romanticism  A period of Literature from 1800-1860.  Not a Valentine’s Day idea.  Not an organized cultural movement, but romantic writers did share two things:  1. They valued feeling and emotion over intellect.  2. They believed in the basic goodness and equality of all human beings.

19 Romanticism Transcendentalism Optimism and Individualism Reform movements Kinship with Nature Spiritual renewal The Power of Darkness Wilderness MadnessDisease, deathSupernatural

20 The “Big” Romantic Ideas  Optimism and Individualism  Kinship with Nature  The Power of Darkness (fascination with disease, madness, death,evil, the supernatural, and the destructive qualities of nature)

21 Important Romantic Writers:  Ralph Waldo Emerson  Margaret Fuller  Henry David Thoreau  Walt Whitman

22 “Dark” Romantic Writers  Edgar Allan Poe  Washington Irving  Nathaniel Hawthorne

23 Romanticism Unit: Honors   Monday Night: Read Emerson, from Self- Reliance, pages 178-179 (take notes) and 183- 184 and answer # 8, “Connect” with at least 1 full paragraphs, typed or written neatly. Due on Tuesday.   Tuesday: In class: Questions on page 184. Begin Fuller, page 193. Take notes, 193-194. HW: Finish reading Fuller and answer questions 1, 2,3, & 4 with complete sentences.   Wednesday: In class, finish Fuller. Review.   Thursday: Holiday   Friday: Quiz on Fuller and Emerson. Begin Fireside Poets.

24 Due Dates: Honors  Unit 2, Vocabulary Book due Nov. 19  Major Works Data Sheet due November 29.  Computer lab November 29 & 30 (tentative plan)  PowerPoint Presentations on December 1,2 & 3.  Nine Weeks Test: Week of Dec. 13

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