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NSIDC and IPY IPY Data & Information Service (DIS) (#49) What We’ve Done Presented at IPY Open Forum in Paris in March “Fuller proposal” for IPY DIS strongly.

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Presentation on theme: "NSIDC and IPY IPY Data & Information Service (DIS) (#49) What We’ve Done Presented at IPY Open Forum in Paris in March “Fuller proposal” for IPY DIS strongly."— Presentation transcript:

1 NSIDC and IPY IPY Data & Information Service (DIS) (#49) What We’ve Done Presented at IPY Open Forum in Paris in March “Fuller proposal” for IPY DIS strongly endorsed Mark Parsons co-chair of IPY Data Management and Policy Subcommittee NSF recommending support of an international data planning workshop at BAS Proposal to NASA to develop working prototype XML- based data system Three letters of inquiry to private foundations. What’s next Assemble data committee with JC Present at ICARP and related meetings Attend JC meeting and visit GEO Secretariat Presentations at AGU (eGY related) Host planning workshop at BAS Propose DIS to NSF, others?

2 NSIDC and IPY Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge in the Arctic (ELOKA) (#187) What We’ve Done Hosted workshop last July to define scope Submitted fuller proposal to JC late september Received small pilot grant to explore metadata and communication issues What’s Next Propose to NSF to host international planning workshop to build partnerships and define scope of social science data in IPY

3 NSIDC and IPY Science activities Co-leading large Antarctic Peninsula (#107) effort combining several international initiatives Grad student thesis as part of Trans-Antarctic Scientific Traverses Expeditions – Ice Divide of East Antarctica (#152) Affiliated with several other SEARCH and IPY efforts Other activities Active with eGY IPY outreach Participating in NASA telecons planning IPY/IHY call Established CIRES/CU/Boulder IPY Focus Group Informing Congress and CU of IPY Much networking

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