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Making Virtual a Reality A Guide to Launching a Virtual Program Cobb County School District Ryan Fuller November 6 th.

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1 Making Virtual a Reality A Guide to Launching a Virtual Program Cobb County School District Ryan Fuller November 6 th

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3 3 Voice of the Active Learner

4 4 Virtual Trends 30% Annual Growth in K-12 31 states have at least one full- time online school Over 90% of Colleges offer online learning State Programs vs. District programs Georgia SB289 Online Learning Act

5 5 Student- Centered Teacher Facilitated Time as a Resource Personalized Engaging Content Promises of Online Learning

6 6 Cobb County School District Located in metropolitan Atlanta, GA 106,000 students in 120 schools 2 nd largest school system in Georgia Socio- economically diverse 26 th largest school system in the U.S.

7 7 Goals CVA Goals Help meet the graduation needs of a large, diverse, and transient high-school population Questions to Ask Problem? Expectations? Resources?

8 8 Cobb Virtual Academy High School Highly qualified teachers Student Participation Year roundCourses

9 9 Do Your Research!

10 10 Continuum of Education Delivery Blended Fully OnlineFace-to-Face

11 11 CVA Getting Started Small group of online advocates Funding Partnered with Professional Learning Selected a platform Developed Courses

12 12 CVA Resources Sustainable Program Timeframe Income Sources People Outsourcing

13 13 Cobb Virtual Content Core courses Built in-house and hybrid Outsourced hosting Teachers Adjunct training program Highly qualified Tiered pay Policy District online learning policy Pre-approval Students High School Tuition only at first Initial Credit and Recovery Funding Tuition District Support Admin Small team Special Ed Content Knowledge Cross-train

14 14 Things to consider… Content Buy or build? Flexible Engaging Policy Guidance to stakeholder Integrity of online learning Students What kind of student will you serve? Teachers Responsibilities Maximum enrollment Pay Admin Skill sets Collaborative Small team Funding Not cheaper Investment

15 15 Challenges Ahead for CVA Middle School Maintain quality as we grow Economics

16 16 Takeaways Find like-minded individuals Establish clear goals Do your research Establish partnerships Start small (if you can) Quality curriculum and instruction

17 17 QUESTIONS? Contact:

18 18

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