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Copyright Maggie Beers, Vivian Forssman, Terry Fuller, 2006. This work is the intellectual property of the authors. Permission is granted for this material.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright Maggie Beers, Vivian Forssman, Terry Fuller, 2006. This work is the intellectual property of the authors. Permission is granted for this material."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright Maggie Beers, Vivian Forssman, Terry Fuller, 2006. This work is the intellectual property of the authors. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the authors. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the authors.

2 Grassroots Projects: Fostering and Supporting an Institute- Wide Culture of Innovation Maggie Beers, Ph.D. Vivian Forssman M.B.A. Terry Fuller, M.A. BCIT’s Learning & Teaching Centre & Computer Resources January 31, 2006

3 1.Innovation is the responsibility of the institute, not just the individual 2.Blended learner-centred education works 3. Faculty have good professional instincts 4. Faculty can effect change 5.Applied learning occurs best in teams 6.Problems are our friends 7. BCIT’s TEK team are agents of change Guiding Educational Transformation: Our Beliefs

4 Presentation Overview BCIT’s emerging culture of innovation TEK’s educational vision TEK’s organizational structure Grassroots Project selection Grassroots Project support Institute-wide culture of innovation

5 Gjoa Andrichuk, Instructor Connecting Students to Industry Streaming Low: mms:// mms:// Streaming High: mms:// Grassroots Profile Video

6 Belief #1 Innovation is the responsibility of the institute, not just the individual.

7 Presentation Overview BCIT’s emerging culture of innovation TEK’s educational vision TEK’s organizational structure Grassroots Project selection Grassroots Project support Institute-wide culture of innovation


9 TEK Vision “BCIT’s Technology-Enabled Knowledge (TEK) Initiative is about innovation and achieving new standards of excellence in education.”

10 TEK Foundation Goals 1.Collaboration & Connectivity 2.Smart Learning Spaces 3.Best Teaching Practices 4.Applied Research 5.The Business of BCIT

11 Belief #2 Blended, learner-centred education works.

12 Educational Vision

13 Educational Model Smart Learning Space Smart Learning Space Workplace Experience Instructor Support Learner Web Presence

14 Belief #3 Faculty have good professional instincts.

15 Technology Enabling Knowledge – Year 1 Content Delivery Communities of Practice Reflective Practice Project Management Authentic Assessment Blogs Portal COP’s ePortfolios

16 Learning Approaches & TEK Tools in Year 1 Content Delivery: Drupal Blogs, myBCIT/SCT Luminus, Lotus Quickplace Reflection, Comments: Drupal Blogs, Lotus Quickplace, Communities of Practice: Drupal Blogs, Lotus Quickplace ePortfolio: Drupal Blogs Project Management: Lotus Quickplace

17 Belief #4 Faculty can effect change.

18 Presentation Overview BCIT’s emerging culture of innovation TEK’s educational vision TEK’s organizational structure Grassroots Project selection Grassroots Project support Institute-wide culture of innovation

19 TEK Initiative Management Structure President Executive Council Project Direction Academic Projects Web & Collaboration Projects Technology Infrastructure Smart Spaces & User Support Social Software Faculty Advisory Student Advisory Industry Advisory

20 Academic Projects

21 Presentation Overview  BCIT’s emerging culture of innovation  TEK’s educational vision  TEK’s organizational structure  Grassroots Project selection  Grassroots Project support  Institute-wide culture of innovation

22 What is a Grassroots Project? Criteria: Innovative Collaborative Promote knowledge building Learner-centred Achieve learning outcomes Support TEK’s goals

23 Year 1 Grassroots Life Cycle - Up to 20 days Share & mentor 2 days Showcase 3 days Implement 6 days Develop3 days Design5.5 days Express Interest Bi-annually

24 Glenn Pellegrin, Instructor Engaging Students in Large Lectures Streaming Low: mms:// Streaming High: mms:// Grassroots Profile Video

25 Presentation Overview BCIT’s emerging culture of innovation TEK’s educational vision TEK’s organizational structure Grassroots Project selection Grassroots Project support Institute-wide culture of innovation

26 Belief #5 Applied learning occurs best in teams.

27 Learning & Teaching Centre/ Computer Resources Support Model Grassroot s Project Technical Advisor IDC SME Writer Video Multimedi a Developer Systems Analyst Graphic Artist AV Faculty Member IDC

28 Modeling best practice

29 Community of Practice Room

30 The Blog Room

31 Belief #6 Problems are our friends.

32 Presentation Overview  BCIT’s emerging culture of innovation  TEK’s educational vision  TEK’s organizational structure  Grassroots Project selection  Grassroots Project support  Institute-wide culture of innovation

33 Lessons Learned: TEK Organization Vision Vision provides clear focus to build educational and technical infrastructure Departments can benefit from personalizing vision Annual revision keeps vision current

34 Lessons Learned: TEK Organization Faculty Advisory Reps Need: clear mandate, roles & accountabilities sufficient time & school support education on learning approaches & technologies a permanent chair for consistent leadership, communication, & long-term visioning.

35 Lessons Learned: Grassroots Projects as Educational Pilots Effective vehicles to pilot learning approaches & technologies to foster innovation. Common theme allows : consolidation of educational expertise in specialized design teams a manageable, yet complementary suite of supporting tools.

36 Lessons Learned: Collaborative Design Team Model This model provides: efficient educational & technical support opportunities for constructive dialogue around educational excellence All design team members need: knowledge of educational approach and educational technology solutions clear definitions of roles and responsibilities active participation from concept to implementation

37 Lessons Learned: Grassroots Projects as Technology Pilots Simultaneous piloting of learning approaches and tools: difficult to pinpoint source of problems requires common success criteria prior to startup. Pilot vs. Rollout: overextension of resources jump-starts learning.

38 Belief #7 BCIT’s TEK Team can be agents of change.


40 Thank you Academic Lead, TEK Initiative Learning and Teaching Centre Web Services Lead, TEK Initiative Computer Resources Project Manager, Grassroots Projects TEK Initiative Learning and Teaching Centre

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