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Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership European and Structural Investment Fund (ESIF) Ferndown and Uddens Business Improvement District November 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership European and Structural Investment Fund (ESIF) Ferndown and Uddens Business Improvement District November 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership European and Structural Investment Fund (ESIF) Ferndown and Uddens Business Improvement District November 2014

2 European Funding 2014 - 2020 ESF European Social Fund THE INDIVIDUAL EAFRD European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development ERDF European Regional Development Fund BUSINESS Business Growth - Support (£11m) Business Growth - Innovation (£2.5m) Skills: WF pipeline, L&M; higher level technical (£11.3m) Lottery: Inclusion (£10m) DWP: furthest from job market (3.7m) Rural (3m) Business Growth - Support (£11m) Business Growth - Innovation (£2.5m) Lottery: Inclusion (£10m) DWP: furthest from job market (3.7m) Rural (3m) Business Growth – SME competitiveness (£11.2m) Business Growth - Innovation (£2.5m) Reducing Dorset’s carbon footprint(£6.3m) Lottery: Disadvantage & Inclusion (£10m) DWP: furthest from job market (3.7m) Rural (3m)

3 Dorset LEP – the fuller picture ESIF (building capacity and capability) Growing Places (business loans) Sustainable Transport (Local Authority) Broadband (Infrastructure) Growth Deal (capital infrastructure)

4 ESIF Assisting Business Growth Single Gateway General & Specialist support Exporting Access to finance Incubators / market testing Regulatory advice Reducing carbon / costs Innovation Use of technology Marketing Business mentors Skills Graduate Schemes Networks / clusters

5 Communications Website Dorset LEP E-bulletin (fortnightly) Consultation – Events Business Growth – October Lottery programme - November to February – Survey to business - November – Paper consultation posted on website late November

6 My contact details: T: 01202 633900 M: 07554889797

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