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Medical Terminology Lecture 3 Chapter 1 & 2. Abdomin/o Abdomen  Abdominal cavity.

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Presentation on theme: "Medical Terminology Lecture 3 Chapter 1 & 2. Abdomin/o Abdomen  Abdominal cavity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical Terminology Lecture 3 Chapter 1 & 2

2 Abdomin/o Abdomen  Abdominal cavity

3 Bronch/o Bronchial tubes  Bronchitis  Bronchoscope  Bronchoscopy

4 Crani/o Skull  Cranium  Craniectomy  Craniotomy

5 Cyt/o Cell  cytology

6 Epitheli/o Skin, surface tissue  Epithelial

7 Erythr/o Red  erythrocyte

8 Esophag/o Esophagus (tube from the throat to the stomach)  esophagoscopy  esophagography  esophagogram  Esophageal*  esophagitis

9 Gnos/o Knowledge  Diagnosis Dia =  Complete gnos_=  Knowledge -sis  State of

10 Gnos/o Knowledge  Prognosis Pro =  before gnos_=  Knowledge -sis  State of Prediction (Before knowledge)

11 Laryng/o Larynx / voice box  laryngeal  laryngectomy  laryngitis  laryngoscopy

12 Leuk/o White  leukocytes

13 Lymph/o Lymph  lymph nodes  lymphadenectomy  lymphadenophathy  lymphatic system

14 Onc/o Tumor  Oncologist

15 Peritone/o Peritoneum  Peritoneal  Peritoneal dialysis

16 Pharyng/o Pharynx / throat  pharyngeal  pharyngitis  pharynx

17 Sarc/o Flesh (muscles, fat, bone, cartilage)  Sarcoma

18 Spina/o Spine / back bone  spinal  spinal cavity  spinal puncture  spinal nerve

19 Thromb/o Clotting  Thrombocyte  Thrombosis

20 Thorac/o Chest  thoracic  thoracic cavity  thoracic nerve  thoracoscopy

21 Trache/o Trachea / wind pipe  trachea  tracheostomy  tracheotomy

22 Suffix

23 -cyte cell

24 -globin Protein  Hemoglobin

25 -opsy To view  biopsy

26 -sis State of  Prognosis

27 -tomy Process of cutting into, incision

28 Prefix

29 Aut- Self  Autopsy

30 Pro- Before, forward

31 Re- Back  resection

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