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Chapter 2: Body Structure, Color, and Oncology. Chapter 2 Abbreviations  a.m., AM  b.i.d., BID  h.s.  Noc.  p.m.,PM  p.r.n.  q.  q.2h,q.4h  q.h.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2: Body Structure, Color, and Oncology. Chapter 2 Abbreviations  a.m., AM  b.i.d., BID  h.s.  Noc.  p.m.,PM  p.r.n.  q.  q.2h,q.4h  q.h."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2: Body Structure, Color, and Oncology

2 Chapter 2 Abbreviations  a.m., AM  b.i.d., BID  h.s.  Noc.  p.m.,PM  p.r.n.  q.  q.2h,q.4h  q.h. = morning = two times per day = hour of sleep (bedtime) = night = afternoon = whenever necessary = every = every 2 hours, every 4 hours = every hour

3 Chapter 2 Abbreviations  q.i.d., QID  stat  t.i.d., TID  cap(s)  tab(s)  Bx  CA  chemo  mets = four times a day = immediately = three times a day = capsule(s) = tablet(s) = biopsy = cancer = chemotherapy = metastasis

4 Chapter 2 Abbreviations  CBC  RBC  rbc  WBC  wbc  WNL = complete blood count = red blood count = red blood cell = white blood count = white blood cell = within normal limits

5 Organization of the Body  The structure of the human body falls into four main categories  Cell  Cell membrane  Cytoplasm  Nucleus  Chromosomes  Genes  DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)

6 Organization of the Body  Tissue  Muscle tissue  Nervous tissue  Connective tissue  Epithelial tissue  Organ  System

7 Body Systems  Integumentary System  Respiratory System

8 Body Systems  Urinary System  Reproductive System

9 Body Systems  Cardiovascular System  Lymphatic System

10 Body Systems  Digestive System  Musculoskeletal System

11 Body Systems  Nervous System  Endocrine System

12 Body Cavities  The body has an orderly arrangement of internal organs, separated into five cavities  Cranial Cavity  Space inside the skull (cranium) containing the brain  Spinal Cavity  Space inside the spinal column containing the spinal cord  Thoracic, or chest, Cavity  Space containing the heart, aorta, lungs, esopagus, trachea, and bronchi

13 Body Cavities  Abdominal Cavity  Space containing the stomach, intestines, kidneys, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, and ureters  Pelvic Cavity  Space containing the urinary bladder, certain reproductive organs, parts of the small and large intestine, and the rectum  Abdominopelvic Cavity  Both the pelvic and abdominal cavities

14 Body Cavities

15 Word Parts for Body Structure Combining Forms Definition  aden/o  cyt/o  epitheli/o  fibr/o  hist/o  kary/o  lip/o  my/o  gland  cell  epithelium  fiber  tissue  nucleus  fat (adipose)  muscle

16 Word Parts for Body Structure Combining Forms Definition  neur/o  organ/o  sarc/o  system/o  viscer/o  nerve  organ  fleshy, connective tissue  system (a group of organs)  internal organs

17 Word Parts for Body Structure Combining Form Definition  cancer/o (adj), carcin/o (n)  eti/o  gno/o  iatr/0  lei/o  onc/o  path/o  rhabd/o  somat/o  cancer  cause (of disease)  knowledge  physician, medicine (treatment)  smooth  tumor, mass  disease  rod-shaped, striated  body

18 Word Parts for Color Combining Form Definition  chlor/o  chrom/o  cyan/o  erythr/o  leuk/o  melan/o  xanth/o  green  color  blue  red  white  black  yellow

19 Word Parts (prefixes) Prefix Definition  dia-  dys-  hyper-  hypo-  meta-  neo-  pro-  through  painful, abnormal, difficult, labored  above normal, excessive  below normal, incomplete, deficient  beyond  new  before

20 Word Parts (suffixes) Suffix Definition  -al, -ic, -ous  -cyte  -gen  -genic  -logist  -logy  -oid  pertaining to  cell  substance or agent that produces or causes  pertaning to producing, originating  who studies and practices (physician, specialist)  study of  resembling

21 Word Parts (suffixes) Suffix Definition  -oma  -osis  -pathy  -plasia  -plasm  -sarcoma  -sis  -stasis  tumor  abnormal condition (means increase when w/ blood cell word roots)  disease  condition of formation, development, growth  growth, substance, formation  fleshy, connective tissue tumor  state of  control, stop

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