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1) Did Hitler take power by force? NO NO NO!!!

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3 1) Did Hitler take power by force? NO NO NO!!!

4 2) What lesson had the failure of the Munich Putsch taught Hitler? To take power legally!

5 3) Which event in 1929 played a key role in helping Hitler come to power? The Wall Street Crash

6 4) As one thing in Germany got worse and worse, more and more people voted for the Nazis. What was that thing and how big was the problem by 1932? Unemployment 6 million unemployed by 1932!!!

7 5) The Nazis twisted the truth and told lies to win people’s support. What’s the word for this? Propaganda!

8 6) Give an example of a key Nazi slogan used in the elections. “Hitler – our last hope!”

9 7) Why did the fact that the Communists were getting stronger actually help the Nazis? Because many people really FEARED that the Communists would take over the country. So they turned to the Nazis instead!

10 8) Who was the President of Germany both before & after Hitler came to power? HINDENBURG!

11 9) What were the names of the 3 chancellors who failed to solve the problems of the Great Depression? 1)Bruning 2)Papen 3)Schleicher

12 10) What percentage voted for Nazis in 1928? 2% (the year before the Wall Street Crash!)

13 10) What percentage voted for Nazis in 1932? 37% !!! (After the Wall Street Crash – by 1932 6 million people were unemployed.)

14 12) Why did Hindenburg have no choice but to ask Hitler to become Chancellor? 3 Chancellors had come and gone in three years (B,P,S) and all failed– Hindenburg chose Hitler because he was the most popular figure …

15 13) When did Hitler become Chancellor? January 1933



18 16) 1929 – AMERICA’S ECONOMY COLLAPSES = ? Wall Street Crash

19 17) 1929-32 – KEY ECONOMIC PROBLEM IN GERMANY = ? UNEMPLOYMENT !!! 6 million in 1932

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