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Hitler’s Foreign Policy The Munich Crisis and the question of appeasement.

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2 Hitler’s Foreign Policy The Munich Crisis and the question of appeasement

3 Hitler’s Foreign Policy was built on three aims n To reverse the Treaty of Versailles n To create a “Greater Germany” by uniting all German speaking people n The creation of Lebensraum - living space for the German people.

4 The Treaty Of Versailles n The German Army was limited to 100,000 men n Germany had to pay reparations to the allies n Germany had to accept the War Guilt Clause (231) n Germany lost 13% of its territories and all her colonies

5 LEBENSRAUM n Hitler’s Greater Germany would have a population of over 85 million people n Germany’s land would be insufficient to feed this many people n Hitler intended to expand eastward into Poland and Russia n Russians and Poles were Slavs-Hitler believed them to be inferior and so Germany was entitled to take their land.

6 Creation of a Greater Germany n Hitler wanted a single homeland for all German speaking people n After Versailles millions of Germans were living in Foreign countries n The Treaty of Versailles had forbidden the union of Germany and Austria- The Anschluss

7 APPEASEMENT n A policy aimed to prevent aggressors from starting wars by finding out what they want and agreeing to demands that seem reasonable n Neville Chamberlain was the British Prime Minister that negotiated with Hitler in 1938

8 LANDMARKS OF APPEASEMENT n 1933-Germany leave the League of Nations - start to rearm in secret n 1935-Anglo-German Naval Agreement, Abyssinian Crisis, German announces conscription. n 1936- Remilitarization of the Rhineland n 1938 (March) Anschluss n 1938 (Sept) Sudetenland crisis and the Munich agreement n 1939- Germany take over the rest of Czechoslovakia n 1939 Britain and France abandon appeasement and guarantee to defend Poland

9 BRITAIN AND APPEASEMENT n Most politicians wanted to avoid war n The people of Britain wanted to avoid war n Britain had only a small army and airforce n Many people thought of the Sudetenland in the same way they had about Austria n Winston Churchill did not agree but he was in a minority.

10 The results of Appeasement n Europe saved from war? n Possibly … if the Czechs, French, British and Russians had stood up to Hitler he would have been defeated, and would have faced war on two fronts n Czechoslovakia was abandoned, and weakened by the loss of important military defences and resources n Germany gained the Sudetenland- another step towards the Greater Germany. n Britain and France gained time to build up their armed forces, but so did Germany n Hitler decided Britain and France were unlikely ever to oppose him by force n Stalin was offended at being excluded from the talks and decided he could not rely on Britain to help the USSR stand up against Germany

11 EXAM POSSIBILITY - very likely n Make sure you know the three main aims of Hitler’s Foreign policy n Can you define appeasement n Make sure you know all the landmarks of appeasement n What were the arguments for and against appeasement

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