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THE TIMETABLE OF AGGRESSION Steps to the outbreak of World War II.

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1 THE TIMETABLE OF AGGRESSION Steps to the outbreak of World War II

2 The Japanese Invasion of Manchuria 1931

3 1933- Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany By June 1934, Hitler had become “Der Fuhrer” – the leader – with unchallenged power in Germany.

4 1934- attempted Anschluss with Austria  In 1934 Hitler attempted to unite with Austria.  This was forbidden by the Treaty of Versailles.  The attempt was halted by Mussolini, who moved 100,000 troops to the Austrian border.  Hitler ordered the Austrian Nazis to back off.

5 1935-Italian invasion of Abyssinia

6 1936 – Hitler remilitarised the Rhineland

7 1937 – Japan invaded the rest of China

8 March 1938 – Hitler completed the Anschluss with Austria

9 September 1938 - Munich Crisis  Hitler demanded that the Sudetenland be `ceded to Germany.  He threatened war if he did not get it.  At the Munich Conference, France and Britain appeased Hitler by agreeing to his demand.  Czechoslovakia was forced to give in to German demands.

10 March 1939 – Germany occupied rest of Czechoslovakia  In March 1939 Hitler broke his word and occupied the rest of Czechoslovakia.  This ended appeasement and rearmament rates increased

11 1 September 1939 – Germany invaded Poland  Poland rejected German demands for control of the Danzig Corridor  Germany invaded Poland  Britain and France declared war on Germany.  Poland was defeated within three weeks by a new tactic - Blitzkrieg

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