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Hitler Consolidates Power 11/21 & 11/22 1.Is ideology essential for political success? 2.Does a firm ideology always breed intolerance? 3.What is the main.

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Presentation on theme: "Hitler Consolidates Power 11/21 & 11/22 1.Is ideology essential for political success? 2.Does a firm ideology always breed intolerance? 3.What is the main."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hitler Consolidates Power 11/21 & 11/22 1.Is ideology essential for political success? 2.Does a firm ideology always breed intolerance? 3.What is the main quality that defines an ideology? Is it revolutionary? Is it inspirational? 4.What ethical issues arise from Hitler’s racist theories? Are we likely to judge such ethnical consideration differently today from those living at the time?

2 Consolidation of Power-Warm Up Icebreaker: 1.Review: How did Hitler obtain power? 2.Review: How did Mussolini obtain power? 3.Review: How did Stalin consolidate power ?

3 Consolidation of Power-Warm Up Icebreaker: Review: How did Hitler obtain power? Believed that he been called by God to be dictator of Germany. Treaty of Versailles which forced Germany to sign, public angry over treaty because it was sign of humiliation & defeat. Weak Weimar Republic & Great Depression. Public looked for someone to blame. Hitler & Nazi party promised return to glory. Review: How did Mussolini obtain power? Italy was badly hit from WWI and gov’t in place lost popularity Review: How did Stalin consolidate power ? Urged purges & violence to make people fear him. Also used propaganda & secret police

4 How did Hitler Consolidate Power? Between March and July 1933—all political parties banned KDP already banned Many socialists imprisoned Even supporting parties disbanded Catholic Central Party Concordat w/ Vatican Church recognized Hitler; Nazis left Church alone Law Against the Establishment of Parties (July 14, 1933)

5 Länder Reference to state government Took over through Forced resignation Seized buildings, docs, and supplies Loyal Nazi commissioners were appointed Law for the Restoration and Professional Civil Service (April 1933) Trade Unions banned  replaced w/German Labor Front

6 Single-Party State Made Legal Law to Ensure the Unity of Party and State (Dec. 1933) Structrualist Historians argue that Hitler set up parallel institutions to maintain power Others argue Hitler did this because of disinterest and neglect

7 Gleichschaltung – making the same, bringing into line Nazi party control over every aspect of life Starts with politics  Slowly took over every aspect of German life. Period between 1933 – 1937 Systematic elimination of non-Nazi organizations (trade unions & political parties Churches & education came under direct control

8 Hitler’s Storm Troopers SA – Sturmabteilung – Brown Shirts – Original Parliamentary wing of the Nazi Party – Used to maintain control @ speeches, parties & intimidating Jewish citizens Used to maintain control @ speeches, parties & intimidating Jewish citizens Led to problems w/ the military. Rumors of a military coup; SA became disposable

9 Propaganda PropagandaPropaganda was skillfully used by the NSDAP in the years leading up to and during Adolf Hitler's leadership of Germany (1933– 1945). National Socialist propaganda provided a crucial instrument for acquiring and maintaining power, and for the implementation of their policies, including the pursuit of total war and the extermination of millions of people in the Holocaust. NSDAPAdolf HitlerGermanytotal warthe Holocaust PropagandaNSDAPAdolf HitlerGermanytotal warthe Holocaust

10 Anti – Bolshevik Poster Propaganda Hitler believed masses could be won over easily Censorship (Party controlled 2/3 of private newspapers) Radio Slogan (“Heil Hitler”) Movies Decorations on buildings




14 Repression Even before Hitler became the official leader, his chancellorship had led to the death of 30,000 communist (arrest of 300,000) SS: The Security Service Ran concentration camps Gestapo: State Secret Police force

15 Class Discussion Do you consider propaganda or repression more important in the consolidation of power in a totalitarian state, such as Hitler’s?

16 Consolidation Complete in 1938 1934-Night of the Long Knives – Political purge between June 30 th & July 2 nd 1934 where Nazi regime carried out a series of political murders Slowly began to transition the military into a Nazi force 1935: Restoration of conscription—peacetime army of 500,000 Military didn’t like the SS suppose to be a domestic police force Technically part of the “war time army” Some didn’t like the expansionist policies (Lebensraum) of the pace of rearmament War minister von Blomberg and Commander in Chief von Fritsch both were dismissed Hitler became war minister.

17 Exit Card 1) What were 3 FACTORS that contributed to Hitler rising to power? 2) What were 2 SPECIFIC things Hitler did to maintain control?

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