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Storm Clouds Gather The Road to WWII. I. Foreign Aggression A) Japan B) Italy C) Germany II. US Foreign Policy A) Recognizing USSR B) Reciprocal Trade.

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Presentation on theme: "Storm Clouds Gather The Road to WWII. I. Foreign Aggression A) Japan B) Italy C) Germany II. US Foreign Policy A) Recognizing USSR B) Reciprocal Trade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Storm Clouds Gather The Road to WWII

2 I. Foreign Aggression A) Japan B) Italy C) Germany II. US Foreign Policy A) Recognizing USSR B) Reciprocal Trade Agreements C) Good Neighbor Policy III. Spanish Civil War A) Nationalists vs Loyalists B) Foreign intervention C) Fascism wins IV. Appeasement & the Nonaggression Pact A) Czech & Sudetenland B) The Munich Agreement C) Pact with USSR V. Poland

3 I. Foreign Aggression A) Japan Where: Manchuria (China) When: Sept. 1931 Why: need for trade markets What: took over rich coal/iron deposits



6 I. Foreign Aggression B) Italy Where: Ethiopia & Somaliland When: 1934- troops clash 1935- invasion 1936-annexed Why: to revive glories of Roman Empire Make Mediterranean an Italian Lake How: used propaganda to make up “incidents”



9 I. Foreign Aggression C) Germany Where: Rhineland (area inside Germany) When: 1936 Why: world was focused on Italy How: beefed up military Sent troops into West Germany (direct rejection of Versailles Treaty)




13 II. US Foreign Policy FDR wanted to ease European tensions by wiping out WWI debts, but congress said NO! A) RECOGNIZING USSR had not formally ‘recognized’ the Communist govt since 1917 1933- FDR agreed to exchange Ambassaadors Useful step– could now study them and possibly trade with them

14 II. US Foreign Policy B) Reciprocal Trade Agreements 1934 passed a law that gave pres power to make agreements with countries with reduced tariffs (taxes) 20+ agreements passed More trade & friendlier relations

15 II. US Foreign Policy C) “Good Neighbor Policy” 1933--Promised Latin American countries we would end all armed intervention 1934—treaty with Cuba ending old parts of Cuba’s constitution that we wrote that said we had rt to intervene anytime (kept naval base at Guantanamo Bay) Haiti– 1934 last marines withdrawn


17 III. Spanish Civil War When: 1936-39 Who: Conservative Nationalist vs left-wing Loyalists Intervention: Germany, Italy, USSR Result: ½ million dead Nationalists won—a new Fascist dictatorship was born!



20 Soviet tank Foreign intervention

21 AXIS POWERS FORMED! 1936 Hitler and Mussolini created an alliance which Japan later joined (Stalin of USSR urged western countries to unite in opposition—the west refused)

22 Hitler & Mussolini German- Italian alliance AXIS POWERS

23 Japanese leaders eventually join Axis Powers Emperor Hirohito Prime Minister Tojo


25 IV. Appeasement & Non-Aggression - (czechoslovakian minority groups began to demand more freedoms- Hitler takes advantage of this) A) 1938- Hitler demands Germans living in Sudetenland get self-determination 1) GB’s prime minister agrees hoping to avoid a larger conflict (appeasement) 2) Hitler now ups the demand—Sudetenland must be part of Germany!

26 Chamberlain and Hitler No war in our time!


28 Cont’d B) British,French,Italian leaders met with Hitler in Munich, Germany Munich Pact Hitler gets Sudetenland Hitler promises to leave Czech alone

29 Cont’d SURPRISE!! 1939—Hitler takes control of Czechoslovakia


31 IV.Appeasement & Non-aggression C) Pact with USSR When: 1939 What: agreement between Stalin (USSR) and Hitler (Germany) never to attack each other and to remain neutral Why: Stalin feared the west would not help USSR if Germany threatened


33 V. POLAND When: Sept. 1, 1939 What: Hitler invaded Poland Why: thought west would do nothing Great Britain and France declare war on Germany WWII had begun!

34 German ‘Blitzkrieg’ Lightening quick attack using ground and air forces



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