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Illicium floridanum– alternate, elliptical leaves with entire margins, reddish-brown petioles, crushed leaves smell like gin and tonic.

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Presentation on theme: "Illicium floridanum– alternate, elliptical leaves with entire margins, reddish-brown petioles, crushed leaves smell like gin and tonic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Illicium floridanum– alternate, elliptical leaves with entire margins, reddish-brown petioles, crushed leaves smell like gin and tonic

2 Rapheolepis indica– alternate, ovate leaves with crenate margins, Margins are red on new leaves. Pubescence on new leaves, petioles, and twigs

3 Loropetalum chinense var
Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum – alternate, elliptical to ovate leaves with entire margins, oblique leaf bases, and a gritty-feeling, stellate pubescence on leaves and young twigs

4 Magnolia figo– alternate, elliptical leaves with entire margins, stipule scars which encircle twigs at nodes, brown pubescence on new twigs and base of petiole

5 Cephalotaxus harringtonia ‘Fastigiata’– alternate, although appear “whorled,” linear leaves with a sharp tip that pricks the back of a hand, two glaucous stripes underneath, very erect growth

6 Sarcococca spp. – alternate, lanceolate dark green, glossy leaves with entire margins, twigs zigzag between nodes, axillary flowers

7 Pittosporum tobira – alternate, obovate/oblanceolate leaves with entire margins which often curl down on the sides, obtuse leaf tip, very pungent when crushed

8 Cephalotaxus harringtonia ‘Prostrata’– alternate, linear leaves held in two ranks along the stem, two glaucous stripes underneath, prostrate growth habit

9 Pieris japonica – alternate, oblanceolate leaves with acute tips, sometimes serrated. New growth coppery. Flower buds, flowers, or seedpods always present

10 Calycanthus floridus – opposite, ovate leaves with entire margins
Calycanthus floridus – opposite, ovate leaves with entire margins. Leaves have stiff hairs that point towards the tip. Lateral branches look to be stuck in “sockets”

11 Leucothoe fontanesiana – alternate, lanceolate leaves with serrulate margins and accuminate tips. Strongly zigzag stems, New growth often coppery. Drooping, axillary racemes of white flowers

12 Agarista populifolia – alternate, lanceolate leaves with serrulate margins and acute tips. Slightly zigzag stems, New growth coppery and very erect. Drooping, small axillary racemes of white flowers

13 Loropetalum chinense – alternate, elliptical to ovate leaves with entire margins, oblique leaf bases, and a gritty-feeling, stellate pubescence on leaves and young twigs

14 Cephalotaxus harringtonia ‘Drupacea’– alternate, linear leaves held “whorled” along the stem, two glaucous stripes underneath, semi-erect growth habit, new tips droop.

15 Illicium parviflorum – alternate, elliptical/oblanceolate leaves with entire margins, dull foliage smells of anise when crushed

16 Ternstroemia gymnanthera – alternate, elliptical/oblanceolate glossy leaves with entire margins, yellow midrib down to top of red petiole, coppery new growth

17 Daphne odora – alternate, elliptical/oblanceolate sessile leaves with entire margins, odd clusters of bumps at branch nodes (this specimen is the variegated form ‘Aureo-marginata’)

18 Podocarpus macrophylla – alternate, although appear “whorled,” linear leaves with blunt tips, two faint glaucous stripes underneath

19 Pyracantha spp. – alternate, elliptical/oblanceolate leaves with crenate margins, new growth pubescent, prominent woody thorns

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