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Published byJoshua Watson Modified over 10 years ago
Thera-Band Cervical Extension Isometric - Helps strengthen the deep neck stabilizers, including the deep neck flexors. Instructions: Place the middle of the band around the back of your head. Grasp the ends of the band in front of your head. Keep your neck in a neutral position with the chin slightly tucked. Extend your elbows, stretching the band in front of you. Slowly return, and keep your neck stable.
Thera-Band Cervical Sidebending Isometric - Helps strengthen the neck stabilizers and scalenes Instructions: Place the middle of the band around the back of your head. Grasp the ends of the band in front of your head. Keep your neck in a neutral position with the chin slightly tucked. Extend your elbows, stretching the band in front of you. Slowly return, and keep your neck stable.
Thera-Band Loop Cervical Extension Stabilization - Helps strengthen the neck Instructions: Place one end of a medium band around the back of your head and the other end in your hands. While keeping your neck in a neutral position, slowly extend your elbows. DonÂ’t let your neck move forward. Hold and slowly return.
Thera-Band Cervical Flexion Isometric - Helps strengthen the neck flexors Instructions: Place the middle of the band around the front of your head, holding each end of the band at the side of your head, near eye level. Keep your neck in a neutral position with the chin slightly tucked. Pull the ends of the band backward. Slowly return, and keep your neck stable.
Thera-Band Cervical Rotation Isometric - Helps strengthen the neck rotators & the neck stabilizers Instructions: Place the middle of the band around the back of your head. Cross the ends of the band over your forehead and grasp the ends of the band at eye level near your head. Keep your neck in a neutral position with the chin slightly tucked. Extend your elbows outward to the side, stretching the band away from your head. Slowly return, and keep your neck stable. Repeat with the other hand.
Thera-Band Abdominal Crunch (Lower Abs) - Targets the lower abdominal muscles. Instructions: Lay on back with hips and knees flexed. Stretch the band over knees and cross underneath. Secure each end of the band under your hands with elbows extended by your side. Lift your knees upward, lifting your hips off the floor. Slowly return.
Thera-Band Abdominal Crunch in Sitting - Older Adult
Thera-Band Abdominal Crunch in Sitting - Older Adult. The abdominals can also be strengthened sitting in a chair by using an elastic band for older adults unable to get on the floor. Instructions: Begin looping middle of the band around the back of a chair. Sit all the way back. Hold both ends of the band at your chest. Keeping ends of band at your chest, lean forward, bending at the waist. Slowly return to starting position. TIP: Keep your back straight and bend at the hips. Be sure band is securely attached behind chair. Remember to breathe. CAUTION: Older adults with osteoporosis should not perform this exercise!
Thera-Band Thoracic Extension in Sitting - This exercise focuses on the thoracic spine extensors. May help improve posture. Instructions: Tie the ends of the band together, making a loop. Sit "inside" the loop, and place the top of the loop in the bend of your elbows. Grasp the back of your neck. Extend your back, sitting up straight. Hold and slowly return. Keep your feet flat on the floor
Thera-Band Thoracic Rotation in Sitting - This exercise focuses on the thoracic spine rotators and extensors. Instructions: Tie the ends of the band together, making a loop. Sit "inside" the loop, and twist the loop in front of your chest. Place the top loop in the bend of your elbows, and grasp the back of your neck. Keep your back extended and rotate trunk to one side. Repeat in other direction. TIP: Keep your back straight; don't "slouch"
Thera-Band Hip Adduction - This closed-chain exercise targets the hip adductors (groin). Instructions: Loop the band around your ankle, and stabilize the other end of the band to a stationary object near the floor. Stand with band to side closest to exercising leg. Keep your knees straight and kick inward. Keep your back straight, and avoid leaning or bending over. Hold and slowly return.
Thera-Band Hip Abduction "Quick Kick" - This closed-chain exercise increases proprioception, strength, and stabilization of the standing leg. Targets the hip abductors on both legs. Instructions: Loop the band around your ankles with no slack in the bands. Keep your knees straight and kick outward with opposite leg. Continue kicking without letting your kicking leg touch the ground. Repeat on other leg. Keep your back straight, and avoid leaning or bending over.
Thera-Band Hip Extension "Quick Kick" - This closed-chain exercise increases proprioception, strength, and stabilization of the standing leg. Targets quadriceps on stance leg and hamstrings on the kicking leg. Instructions: Loop the band around your ankles with no slack in the bands. Keep your knees straight and kick backward with opposite leg. Continue kicking without letting your kicking leg touch the ground. Repeat on other leg. Keep your back straight, and avoid bending over or slouching.
Thera-Band Loop Hip Flexion in Standing - Strengthens hip flexors Instructions: Stand with medium loop around ankles. Kick leg forward while keeping knee straight. Use support as needed to maintain an upright trunk. Hold and slowly return.
Thera-Band Hip Internal Rotation (sitting) - Strengthens the internal rotators of the hip. Instructions: Loop the band and securely attach one end of the loop to a fixed object near the floor. Sit with the exercising side away from the attachment, and place your ankle inside the other end of the loop. Rotate your ankle outward, keeping your knee pointing forward. Hold and slowly return.
Thera-Band Hip External Rotation (sitting) - Strengthens the external rotators of the hip. Instructions: Loop the band and securely attach one end of the loop to a fixed object near the floor. Sit with the exercising side closest to the attachment, and place your ankle inside the other end of the loop. Rotate your ankle inward, keeping your knee pointing forward. Hold and slowly return.
Thera-Band Terminal Knee Extension (TKE) - Helps strengthen the quadriceps and VMO. Instructions: Make a loop with your band and securely attach one end at knee level. Place your knee inside the loop and take up the slack. Slowly bend and straighten your knees, stretching the band as you extend your knee. Tip: Keep the band wrapped ABOVE your knee joint.
Wall Station Terminal Knee Extension - Instructions: Origin: Lower Vertical Attachment: Extremity Strap Movement: Begin with knees slightly bent. Extend knee against tubing.
Thera-Band Knee Curl in Standing - Older Adult
Thera-Band Knee Curl in Standing - Older Adult. This exercise strengthens the hamstring muscles behind your thigh. Instructions: Begin by looping the center of the band around the ankle of your exercising leg. Bring the ends of the band underneath the foot of the opposite leg to stabilize and grasp the ends by your knee. Slowly bend your knee against the band, pulling upward. Hold and slowly return.
Thera-Band Ankle Inversion - Strengthens the inner ankle muscles
Thera-Band Ankle Inversion - Strengthens the inner ankle muscles. Instructions: Sit on floor with knee extended, and other knee crossed over the top. Loop the middle of the band around lower foot to be exercised, and wrap ends of band around the top foot. Grasp the ends of the band and keep tension on the band. Turn your bottom foot inward away from the band. Slowly return
Thera-Band Ankle Plantarflexion - Strengthens the calf muscle
Thera-Band Ankle Plantarflexion - Strengthens the calf muscle. Instructions: Sit on floor with both knees extended. Loop the middle of the band around one foot and grasp the ends of the band. Push the foot down against the resistance of the band. Slowly return.
Thera-Band Ankle Eversion (in Sitting) - Strengthens the outer ankle muscles. Instructions: Sit in chair. Loop the middle of the band around foot to be exercised. Stabilize the band under your other foot and grasp the ends of the band. Push your foot outward against the resistance of the band. Slowly return. Tip: Don't rotate your knee to complete the motion.
Thera-Band Ankle Dorsiflexion - Strengthens the shin muscle (Tibialis Anterior) that lifts the foot upward. Instructions: Sit on floor with both knees extended. Make a loop with the band and securely attach one end of the loop near the floor. Place exercising foot inside loop. Pull your ankle toward your head against the resistance of the tubing. Hold and slowly return.
Thera-Band Ankle Inversion - Strengthens the inner ankle muscles
Thera-Band Ankle Inversion - Strengthens the inner ankle muscles. Instructions: Sit on floor with both knees extended. Make a loop with the band and securely attach one end of the loop near the floor. Place exercising foot inside loop. Pull your ankle inward against the resistance of the band. Hold and slowly return. TIP: Keep your knee steady; don't rotate your leg to complete the motion.
Thera-Band Ankle Eversion - Strengthens the outer ankle muscles
Thera-Band Ankle Eversion - Strengthens the outer ankle muscles. Instructions: Sit on floor with both knees extended. Make a loop with the band and securely attach one end of the loop near the floor. Place exercising foot inside loop. Push your ankle outward against the resistance of the band. Hold and slowly return. TIP: Keep your knee steady; don't rotate your leg to complete the motion.
Thera-Band Ankle Eversion - Strengthens the outer ankle muscles
Thera-Band Ankle Eversion - Strengthens the outer ankle muscles. Instructions: Sit on floor with knees extended. Loop the middle of the band around your foot, and wrap the ends around the opposite foot. Grasp ends of the band near your hips and stabilize with the opposite foot. Turn your foot outward away from the band. Slowly return.
Thera-Band Ankle Plantarflexion (sitting) - Strengthens the calf muscle. Instructions: Sit in chair with one leg extended. Loop the middle of the band around one foot and grasp the ends of the band. Push the foot down against the resistance of the band. Slowly return
Thera-Band Chest Flies - Targets the chest and pectoralis major muscle
Thera-Band Chest Flies - Targets the chest and pectoralis major muscle. Also good for core stabilization. Instructions: Secure the middle of the band to a stationary object at shoulder level. Face away from the attachment. Use a staggered step with one leg slightly in front of the other. Grasp the bands at shoulder height with your elbows straight. Keep your elbows straight and pull bands inward with palms facing each other. Slowly return. VARIATION: Vary the height of the attachment of the band for an incline (lower attachment height) or decline (higher attachment height) fly.
Thera-Band Elbow Flexion (standing unilateral) - Strengthens the biceps and elbow. Instructions: Begin with one end of the band stabilized under your foot. Grasp the band with your elbow by your side, and tension on the band. Lift the band upward, keeping your wrist straight and elbow by your side. Hold and slowly return.
Thera-Band Elbow Biceps Curl (standing) - This exercise targets the biceps, but can also be used to help strengthen and stabilize the low back. Instructions: Stand on the middle of the tubing. Grasp the ends of the tubing. Lift the tubing upward, bending your elbows and palms up. Keep your elbows by your side. Hold and slowly return. VARIATION: Perform with palms facing downward. TIP: Keep your back straight; avoid leaning backward or rounding your back.
Thera-Band Knee Squat - The squat is an excellent closed-chain exercise for the entire leg. Instructions: Stand on the middle of the band with both feet. Grasp the ends of the band at shoulder level. Perform squat, keeping back & elbows straight. Hold and slowly return. TIPS: Keep your back straight and knees pointing forward. DonÂ’t allow your knees to rotate inward or outward.
Thera-Band Loop Shoulder Abduction Isometric - Strengthens the shoulder Instructions: Place the ends of a medium loop around both hands. Keeping your elbows straight, slightly push outward with your arms in opposite directions, but donÂ’t move the arm. Hold and relax.
Thera-Band Tubing with Cuffs Shoulder Abduction - Strengthens the deltoid muscle Instructions: Grasp the cuffs in each hand or attach to wrists. Keep one arm by your side as you lift the opposite arm outward against the tubing. Keep your elbows and wrists straight. Hold and slowly return.
Thera-Band Rocker Board in Oblique Plane with Shoulder Flexion with Band - Adding Shoulder Flexion while balancing on Rocker Board Instructions: Stand with both feet oblique to rocker bottoms. Place Thera-Band resistance under your feet and lift bands forward with elbows straight. Slowly return. Keep board parallel to ground. Keep your back and neck straight.
Wall Station Shoulder Adduction - Instructions: Origin: Upper Vertical Attachment: Handle Movement: Pull arm inward, keeping elbow straight.
Wall Station Shoulder Extension - Instructions: Origin: Upper Vertical Attachment: Handle Movement: Extend arm, keeping elbow straight.
Thera-Band Elbow Extension (Kick Backs) in Standing - Older Adult
Thera-Band Elbow Extension (Kick Backs) in Standing - Older Adult. The "Kick Back" exericse strengthens the triceps muscle behind your upper arm. Instructions: Stand with one foot slightly in front of the other. Begin by stepping on the middle of the band under your front foot. Bend your elbow and grasp the end of the band, taking up the slack. Keeping your shoulder extended and arm back, extend your elbow against the band. Hold and slowly return. TIP: Keep your back straight and your elbow behind your body.
Thera-Band Shoulder External Rotation (Bilateral) in Standing - This exercise strengthens the posterior shoulder and rotator cuff. Instructions: Grasp the middle of the band about shoulder width apart, with slight tension in the band. Keep your elbows by your side and forearms parallel to the ground. Pull the ends of the band outward. Hold and slowly return. TIP: Don't extend your elbows to complete the motion.
Thera-Band Loop Shoulder External Rotation - Strengthens the rotator cuff Instructions: Stabilize one end of a medium loop in your hand in front of you with elbows bent at your side. Grasp the other end and pull outward, keeping your elbow by your side and forearm parallel to the ground. Hold and slowly return.
Thera-Band Shoulder External Rotation at 0 degrees - Strengthens the shoulder rotator cuff. Instructions: Begin with one end of the band securely attached at waist-height. (You may place a towel roll under your arm as well.) Grasp the other end of the band with tension. Pull the band away from the wall, rotating your forearm outward. Hold and slowly return. TIP: Be sure to keep your forearm parallel to the ground, your elbow by your side, and your wrist straight.
Thera-Band Shoulder Flexion to 180 degrees - Strengthens the front part of the shoulder through the entire range of motion. Instructions: Begin with the end of the band or tubing stabilized under your foot. Grasp the end in your hand with slight tension on the band or tubing, and lift your arm forward. Keep your elbow straight and your thumb up. Hold and slowly return. Do not perform this if it causes shoulder pain. Keep your back straight, and avoid leaning back.
Thera-Band Shoulder Horizontal Adduction-unilateral (sitting on ball) - Strengthens the anterior shoulder and chest muscles. Also a good exercise for core stabilization. Instructions: Securely attach one end of the band or tubing. Grasp the other end of the band behind you at shoulder level. Keeping your elbow straight and arm parallel to the ground, pull the band forward. Hold & slowly return. Keep your back and neck straight, and avoid leaning over. VARIATION: Perform standing
Thera-Band Shoulder Internal Rotation at 0 degrees - Strengthens the shoulder rotator cuff. Instructions: Begin with one end of the band securely attached at waist-height. (You may place a towel roll under your arm as well.) Grasp the other end of the band with tension. Pull the band away from the wall, rotating your forearm inward. Hold and slowly return. TIP: Be sure to keep your forearm parallel to the ground, your elbow by your side, and your wrist straight.
Thera-Band Shoulder Internal Rotation at 90 degrees - Strengthens the rotator cuff and shoulder. Instructions: Begin with one end of the band securely attached behind you at shoulder-height. Grasp the other end of the band with tension. Pull the band away from the wall, rotating your forearm inward. Be sure to keep your upper arm parallel to the ground, your elbow at shoulder level, and your wrist straight. TIP: Don't let your elbow drop below shoulder level. Keep elbow bent at 90 degrees; don't extend your elbow to complete the motion
 Thera-Band Shoulder Shrug + Retraction - Combining shoulder retraction with a shoulder shrug activates the scapular muscles as well as the rotator cuff. Instructions: Stand on the middle of the band and grasp both ends by your side, taking up the slack. Keep your elbows straight and lift your shoulders upward while simultaneously pinching your shoulder blades together. Hold and slowly return. TIP: Avoid bending your elbows to complete the motion.
Thera-Band Shoulder Shrug - The shrug isolates the upper trapezius muscle. Instructions: Stand on the middle of the band and grasp both ends by your side, taking up the slack. Keep your elbows straight and lift your shoulders upward. Hold and slowly return. TIP: Avoid bending your elbows to complete the motion.
Wall Station Shrug - Instructions: Origin: Lower Vertical Attachment: 2 Handles Movement: Begin with hands near waist. Shrug shoulders and pull upward, keeping elbows straight
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