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R a d i c a l U n i t Rationalizing the Denominator Medina1.

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Presentation on theme: "R a d i c a l U n i t Rationalizing the Denominator Medina1."— Presentation transcript:

1 R a d i c a l U n i t Rationalizing the Denominator Medina1

2 Rationalizing the Denominator Medina2 Rule 1: There are NO perfect squares underneath the radical symbol. There are NO fractions underneath the radical symbol. Rule 2: Rule 3: There are NO radicals in the denominator. Rule 4: There are NO negatives underneath a square root.

3 Rational Medina3 Rationalizing the Denominator Irrational Numbers that make sense Make number into a decimal if it stops or has a pattern (repeating decimal) it’s rational Numbers that don’t make sense Make the number into a decimal, if it keeps going and going without a pattern it’s irrational Numbers can either be rational or irrational

4 Rationalizing the Denominator Rationalizing the denominator is the process of converting a irrational number into a rational number.

5 Rationalizing the Denominator



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