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Open House 2014-2015 Ms. Noriega Room 16.

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Presentation on theme: "Open House 2014-2015 Ms. Noriega Room 16."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open House Ms. Noriega Room 16

2 Agenda Welcome Daily Schedule Classroom Management Plan Grading Scale
Homework Procedures Attendance Policy Volunteer Hours Uniform Policy Classroom Expectations

3 My name is Ms. Noriega I was born and raised in Miami, FL. I graduated from Florida International University (FIU) with a Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education with an ESOL endorsement. I am currently working on becoming gifted endorsed. This will be my fourth year working at Mater. I have previously taught first and fourth grade. I love to teach! Children to me are like sponges, they absorb everything. My goal is to guide and help students reach their fullest potential. I strive in making learning a positive experience for my students.


5 Raise your hand to speak if you have something to ask or say.
Be respectful kind, and considerate to your teacher, friends, and classroom. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Be safe! Always do your personal BEST! Be confident and PROUD! Listen carefully and follow all directions carefully!

6 Grading Scale: A= % (Excellent) B= 80-89% (Good) C= 70-79% (Satisfactory) D= 60-69% (Minimal) F= 59% and below (Unsatisfactory)

7 Homework is copied in the Agenda as soon as students walk in.
Procedures Schedule Homework is copied in the Agenda as soon as students walk in. It is to be done daily. Spelling and Vocabulary are to be done in the Homework Journal. Spelling: Rainbow 3x each ABC Order Sentences Pyramids Vocabulary: Definitions Pictures Synonyms/ Antonyms Reading Passage: Everyday Reading Log:

8 Your child is expected to be in school every day
Your child is expected to be in school every day. The following absences are considered excused absences: student illness, medical appointment, death in the family, or observance of a religious holiday or service what it is mandated for all members of a faith that such a holiday or service should be observed. Any absence that does not fall into one of the above categories is to be considered unexcused. Please send a note explaining the absence within 3 days of returning to school. After 10 written notes by parent/guardian a doctor’s note will need to be submitted to the teacher in order to be marked excused.

9 As per the Parent Contract that was signed, each family must complete thirty (30) volunteer hours each school year. The thirty hours will be split between siblings in the school. Hours can be met by: -donating items to the classroom that are on the wish list (please include a receipt to receive credit) -chaperoning on school field trips -volunteering for parties/in class/in school events. At the end of each quarter, a letter will be sent home informing you of how many volunteer hours have been completed. This letter must be signed and returned.

10 During cooler weather, the Mater Academy Elementary rugby long-sleeved uniform shirt may be worn or a plain white long sleeved t-shirt may be worn underneath the polo shirts. Additionally, uniform jackets may be worn. These jackets must be hunter green bearing the Mater Academy logo issued by All Uniform Wear. Shoes must be closed, solid black or brown shoes or sneakers. Matching laces must be worn and fastened tightly at all times. Shoes must be conducive to physical education activities with rubber bottoms. No boots, high-top tennis shoes, Madeline, nor ballerina slippers will be permitted. Socks must be plain white, and are to be worn at mid-ankle length. White tights may be worn underneath skorts for Kindergarten through second grade students.

11 Remember to pack a SMALL snack for your child!

12 Capitalization/Punctuation
We will be learning: Grammar Skills Types of Sentences Grammar Mechanics Capitalization/Punctuation

13 Comprehension Strategies Comprehension Skills Genre
We will be learning: Comprehension Strategies Comprehension Skills Genre Vocabulary Strategies

14 Informational/Explanatory Writing
We will be learning: Narrative Writing Informational/Explanatory Writing With the new Florida State Standards, student will now be required to write multiple paragraphs.

15 Numbers Concepts, Place Value and Counting Patterns
We will be learning: Numbers Concepts, Place Value and Counting Patterns Two/Three-Digit Addition and Subtraction with and without regrouping Counting Money Telling Time Measurement Geometry Fractions Concept Equal Groups/Multiplication

16 Forces and Changes in Motion
We will be learning: Practice of Science Properties of Matter Changes in Matter Forms of Energy Forces and Changes in Motion Organization and Development of Living Organisms Interdependence Earth Structures

17 Geography and Map Skills
We will be learning: Geography and Map Skills Economics Native Americans Colonial America Immigration Citizenship Government Symbols in America

18 First come, first serve basis.
Parents will only be allowed to go on 1 field trip in order to give the other parents a chance.

19 Friday Jeans Day $1.00

20 School Phone: (305) School Website:

21 ABCYa Brainpop Jr. Read Write Think IXL

22 READ It is very important that students read every day in order to build their fluency, comprehension, and stamina. Scholastic Reading Club:

23 Thank You! Make sure you have signed all documents.
Don’t forget to visit our Special Area Teachers in the Cafeteria!

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