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1. Which temperature is the coldest: 0ºC, –3ºC, –1ºC, or 10ºC? a. –3ºCb. –1ºC c. 0ºC d. 10ºC.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Which temperature is the coldest: 0ºC, –3ºC, –1ºC, or 10ºC? a. –3ºCb. –1ºC c. 0ºC d. 10ºC."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Which temperature is the coldest: 0ºC, –3ºC, –1ºC, or 10ºC? a. –3ºCb. –1ºC c. 0ºC d. 10ºC

2 1. Which temperature is the coldest: 0ºC, –3ºC, –1ºC, or 10ºC? a. –3ºCb. –1ºC c. 0ºC d. 10ºC

3 2. What addition statement represents these groups of integer chips? a. (–10) + (–7)c. (+10) + (–7) b. (–10) + (+7)d. (+10) + (+7)

4 2. What addition statement represents these groups of integer chips? a. (–10) + (–7)c. (+10) + (–7) b. (–10) + (+7)d. (+10) + (+7)

5 3. What is the integer sum shown on the number line? a. –8b. +3c. +4d. +7

6 3. What is the integer sum shown on the number line? a. –8b. +3c. +4d. +7

7 4. Chi received $20 for his birthday. He spent $12 on a new CD. What is the integer sum that represents the amount of money he has left? a. –12b. +8c. –8d. +12

8 4. Chi received $20 for his birthday. He spent $12 on a new CD. What is the integer sum that represents the amount of money he has left? a. –12b. +8c. –8d. +12

9 5. The sum of a positive integer and a negative integer a. can be greater than or less than zero. b. is always greater than zero. c. is always less than zero. d. is always zero.

10 5. The sum of a positive integer and a negative integer a. can be greater than or less than zero. b. is always greater than zero. c. is always less than zero. d. is always zero.

11 6. When a negative integer is subtracted from a negative integer, the difference a. could be zero. c. is always a negative integer. b. could not be zero. d. is always a positive integer.

12 6. When a negative integer is subtracted from a negative integer, the difference a. could be zero. c. is always a negative integer. b. could not be zero. d. is always a positive integer.

13 7. On a horizontal number line, +4 _____ +1. a. is closer to zero than b. is farther left than c. is farther right than d. is on a different number line than

14 7. On a horizontal number line, +4 _____ +1. a. is closer to zero than b. is farther left than c. is farther right than d. is on a different number line than

15 8. The answer to (+5) – (+5) is: a. +10b. +5c. 0d. –5

16 8. The answer to (+5) – (+5) is: a. +10b. +5c. 0d. –5

17 9. Calculate (+4) + (–8) + (–6).

18 -10

19 10. Solve (+10) + (–3) + (–5).

20 +2

21 11. Solve (+12) + (–16) + (+8).

22 +4

23 12. Calculate (+32) + (–18) + (–41) + (+14).

24 -13

25 13. Solve (+47) + (–33) + (+21) + (–19).

26 +16

27 14. Calculate (+9) – (–6).

28 +15

29 15. Solve (–7) – (–6).


31 16. Calculate (+18) – (+46).

32 -28

33 17. Solve (–82) – (+37) – (–94) – (–29).

34 +4

35 18. These groups of integer chips would add to ____________________.

36 -6

37 19. The addition statement for these two groups of integer chips would be:

38 (–3) + (–7) = (–10)

39 20. Write a pair of integers to represent each situation. a) ground level and 13 m underground b) earning $10 and spending $5

40 20. Write a pair of integers to represent each situation. a) ground level and 13 m underground b) earning $10 and spending $5 a) 0, –13 b) +10, –5

41 21. For each set of integer chips, subtract the group on the right from the group on the left. Write the subtraction statement, and then solve.

42 (–3) – (–5) = +2

43 22. Write an addition statement for each number line and solve.

44 (+4) + (–6) + (+2) = 0

45 23. Hilary filled her water bottle with 750 mL of water. She drank 425 mL during lunch and 225 mL during afternoon break. Write and solve an addition statement to determine how much water is left in Hilary’s bottle.

46 (+750) + (–425) + (–225) = +100 There is 100 mL of water left in Hilary’s bottle.

47 24. Ellen wants to go on a vacation with her family. She researches several cities and finds the following average temperatures for the upcoming week: Calgary –3ºC, Edmonton 1ºC, Vancouver 8ºC, and Victoria 7ºC. a) What is the difference in temperatures between Victoria and Edmonton? b) What is the difference in temperatures between Vancouver and Calgary?

48 24. Ellen wants to go on a vacation with her family. She researches several cities and finds the following average temperatures for the upcoming week: Calgary –3ºC, Edmonton 1ºC, Vancouver 8ºC, and Victoria 7ºC. a) What is the difference in temperatures between Victoria and Edmonton? b) What is the difference in temperatures between Vancouver and Calgary? a) (+7) – (–1) = +8 or (–1) – (+7) = –8 The difference in temperatures is 8ºC. b) (+8) – (–3) = +11 or (–3) – (+8) = –11 The difference in temperatures is 11ºC.

49 25. Juan earned $62 last week and spent $14. This week he earned $75 and spent $30. Next week, Juan expects to make $50 and spend nothing. How much money will Juan have at the end of next week?

50 (+$62) + (–$14) + (+$75) + (–$30) + (+$50) + ($0) = +$143 Juan will have $143 at the end of next week.

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