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American Life in the 17th Century

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1 American Life in the 17th Century
Chapter 4

2 Colony Groups Southern Chesapeake Middle Northern (New England)
Georgia South Carolina North Carolina Chesapeake Virginia Maryland Middle New Jersey Pennsylvania New York Delaware Northern (New England) Massachusetts Bay Connecticut Rhode Island New Hampshire

3 The Unhealthy Chesapeake
Life in the Chesapeake = difficult Disease Few females and families Life expectancy 20 years less than New England colonists Men – 48 years Women – 44 years First colonial government: House of Burgesses First order of business: set price for tobacco Bicameral by 1650s First representative government in New World Economy based on farming tobacco Supply and demand So dependent on tobacco that 50 year recession occurred when price dropped Headright system led to plantations

4 Bacon’s Rebellion Nathaniel Bacon Indian conflict Berkley’s plan
VA, Indians, 40,000 whites around them western frontier Indians pushed further west Berkley’s plan expensive chain of frontier forts

5 Bacon’s Rebellion (cont.)
Bacon, popular, finally granted permission to strike any Indians leaving their villages w/o permission Summary caused by tobacco depression, low availability of land, social stratification availability of Indian land made them easy targets Result some see class conflict as due to indentured servants first Africans to Jamestown, racially discriminated against, but not all sold as slaves

6 The Peculiar Institution
Practiced for centuries in most societies Generally war prisoners, non-believers of the religion of their conquerors, and poor people who indentured themselves to get out of debt Slavery in the Americas differed from earlier forms Attempts to enslave Native Americans failed for both Spanish and British Money Indentured servants were cheaper, but not cost effective in the long run Slaves more expensive initially, but more cost effective over time Why Africans?

7 New England Life Community life Relatively long lives Children
Central commons, open grazing Meetinghouse central, house/lots nearby Close settled, social reciprocity conducive Puritan families male dominant wife subject to husband Relatively long lives Children subject to Father’s control the “little commonwealth”

8 Chesapeake Life First Families 1636-60 1660s and beyond Maryland
Early gentry return to England (life too hard) Hard to find Social elite willing to serve middle class entrepreneurs gain power dominate Governor’s council, accumulate land, wealth, power 1660s and beyond “Planter Class” emerges Maryland Women slow population growth

9 Back to Basics Demographic Differences Race, Ethnicity, Economy
Farther North = less diverse Farther South = more diverse Religion and Education Piety, public support for clergy, literacy, education, and moral standards stronger from South to North

10 Bridget Bishop — hanged June 10, 1692
George Jacobs, Sr. — hanged August 19, 1692 Margaret Scott — hanged September 22, 1692 The Rev. George Burroughs — hanged August 19, 1692 Susannah Martin — hanged June 19, 1692 Samuel Wardwell — hanged September 22, 1692 Martha Carrier — hanged August 19, 1692 Rebecca Nurse — hanged June 19, 1692 Sarah Wildes — hanged June 19, 1692 Martha Corey — hanged September 22, 1692 Alice Parker — hanged September 22, 1692 John Willard — hanged August 19, 1692 Giles Corey — pressed to death September 19, 1692 Mary Parker — hanged September 22, 1692 Mary Easty — hanged September 22, 1692 John Proctor — hanged August 19, 1692 Sarah Good — hanged June 19, 1692 Ann Pudeator — hanged September 22, 1692 Elizabeth Howe — hanged June 19, 1692 Wilmott Redd — hanged September 22, 1692


12 The Salem Witch Trials Charges of witchcraft levied by (usually) young girls Wealthy Porters convenient targets Accusers many Putnam family members usually (2/3 of all accusers) yr old females who had lost relatives to Indians, were now domestic servants

13 The Case of Giles Corey Accused of being wizard, did not enter a plea
Convicted of witchcraft sentenced to die by “peine forte et dure” Never entered a plea Died 2 days later

14 Explanations Various causes for the “hysteria” developed by historians and scholars no concrete explanation has been agreed upon Major theories: Puritans strong beliefs led to mass hysteria Child abuse caused it Mass consumption of a hallucinogenic fungus Frequent Indian attacks put everyone on edge

15 The Results Many residents left before they could be accused
Doubt of trials Local economy suffers crops and livestock went untended commerce suffered as many stopped business to watch trials and hangings Loss of influence “Innocent until proven guilty” Reflected growing economic gap, social gap Clash of values (agricultural vs. trade)

16 I know the basics, but am fuzzy on the details.
Essential Question: What are the political, social, and economic similarities and differences between the American colonies? 3 I can use specific examples and could probably teach someone else about this. 2 I know the basics, but am fuzzy on the details. 1 I know a couple of things about it but couldn't really tell you much. Why is my desk wet?

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