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Classroom Addition Facility Planning funds to study a possible addition Enrollment Projections Increase capacity for 2300 students Program includes 19.

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2 Classroom Addition Facility Planning funds to study a possible addition Enrollment Projections Increase capacity for 2300 students Program includes 19 teaching stations including: Science labs, art, engineering labs, classrooms, auxiliary gym and support room for ESOL and special education 2014-152015-162016-172017-182018-192019-20 Cap11821882 Enr191020052053208421272121 Avail Space(28)(123)(171)(202)(245)(239)

3 Feasibility Study Purpose To define educational requirements based on enrollment projections and program needs To perform an architectural and engineering analysis of the building and site To develop conceptual plans for a proposed future classroom addition project including pros and cons for each concept To develop cost estimates for consideration in a future Capital Improvements Program (CIP)








11 Option 1 Advantages Disadvantages Enclosed courtyard for added security Creates loop circulation No need to relocate four classrooms from existing building Minimizes existing building demolition Largest building footprint/site disturbance Closest to existing building Enclosed courtyard can be difficult to maintain Provides least amount of additional parking Closest to Whittier Blvd. residential area of 3 options Limited potential for future expansion




15 Option 2 Advantages Disadvantages Smallest building footprint/site disturbance Most efficient to construct Provides the most amount of additional parking Farther from the residential area than existing building Most potential for future expansion Provides ideal adjacancies for science and engineering labs Outdoor art space is close to parking area Does not create loop circulation Largest gross floor area required




19 Option 3 Advantages Consistent two-story massing for the site and building Two-story building provides the best opportunity to define the building façade along Whittier Blvd Farther from residential area than existing building Disadvantages Provides the least amount of parking Does not achieve loop circulation


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