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Suzanne D'Anna1 Chemistry The Basis of Life. Suzanne D'Anna2 Matter l anything that takes up space and has mass or weight l mass - the weight of an object.

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Presentation on theme: "Suzanne D'Anna1 Chemistry The Basis of Life. Suzanne D'Anna2 Matter l anything that takes up space and has mass or weight l mass - the weight of an object."— Presentation transcript:

1 Suzanne D'Anna1 Chemistry The Basis of Life

2 Suzanne D'Anna2 Matter l anything that takes up space and has mass or weight l mass - the weight of an object l property - a descriptive term that describes matter (color, size, shape, etc.)

3 Suzanne D'Anna3 Matter exists as: l solids - have definite shape and volume l liquids - have definite volume but conform to the shape of container l gasses - gasses have no definite shape or volume. Gas fills whatever space it is in.

4 Suzanne D'Anna4 Changes in Matter l physical changes - its state is changed - basic nature of substance is not altered l chemical changes - its state is changed - composition is changed

5 Suzanne D'Anna5 Energy l has no mass l the capacity to do work l defined as the ability to do work or put matter into motion l mass and energy can neither be created or destroyed

6 Suzanne D'Anna6 Two Principal Types of Energy l kinetic energy - energy of motion l potential energy - inactive or stored energy l energy, whether kinetic or potential, exists in several different forms.

7 Suzanne D'Anna7 Forms of Energy l chemical l electrical l mechanical l radiant

8 Suzanne D'Anna8 Chemical l stored in bonds of chemical substances l when bonds are broken kinetic energy is released causing effect on matter l all body activities are run by breaking of bonds in chemical substances

9 Suzanne D'Anna9 Electrical l results from the movement or flow of electrons or other charged particles such as ions

10 Suzanne D'Anna10 Mechanical l directly involved with moving matter l mechanical energy shortens muscles, pulling bones, creating movement

11 Suzanne D'Anna11 Radiant l travels in waves such as heat and light l waves may be spaced closer together or farther apart depending on the type of radiant energy

12 Suzanne D'Anna12 Longest to Shortest Waves l radio waves l microwaves l infrared waves (heat) l visible light waves (stimulate retinas) l ultraviolet waves (cause sunburn, vit.D) l X-rays and gamma rays (used in medicine)

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