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Why it works… Audience right Message right… …expressed emotionally …expressed consistently But we are in danger of being SEVERELY compromised.

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Presentation on theme: "Why it works… Audience right Message right… …expressed emotionally …expressed consistently But we are in danger of being SEVERELY compromised."— Presentation transcript:


2 Why it works… Audience right Message right… …expressed emotionally …expressed consistently But we are in danger of being SEVERELY compromised






8 Why it works… Audience right Message right… …expressed emotionally …expressed consistently






14 ‘The essential difference between emotion and reason is that emotion leads to action and reason leads to conclusions’ Donald Calne, a neurologist

15 Being emotional… Being consistent…

16 Ask yourself three things…. You are at a party and someone says “Why should I support your charity?” What do you say? Would ALL your colleagues say the same thing? Does all your charity’s printed material say the same?



19 Being consistent… Finding your Fundraising Proposition… …Tangible’s Four Pillars exercise

20 Must-haves… A good proposition answers the question, ‘Why should I support your charity with £100 now?’ It should have: Need Solution Now And ideally, it should be unique

21 It will therefore say… What you achieve (not ‘what you do’) Who you help Why you’re needed ….in a way that the PUBLIC is interested in NOT a strapline NOT a headline ….it’s a FEELING

22 The proposition has four pillars… Vision Enemy Hero Recipient RNLI


24 An example: RNLI VISIONENEMYHERORECIPIENT No deaths at sea

25 An example: RNLI VISIONENEMYHERORECIPIENT No deaths at sea The cruel sea

26 An example: RNLI VISIONENEMYHERORECIPIENT No deaths at sea The cruel seaThe volunteer lifeboat crewman

27 An example: RNLI VISIONENEMYHERORECIPIENT No deaths at sea The cruel seaThe volunteer lifeboat crewman Stupid, rich day-sailor who fell off his boat

28 Vision Hero Enemy

29 Sue Ryder Care Their mission: To be the first choice in both neurological and palliative care Their vision: Care that liberates lives

30 Sue Ryder Care VisionEnemyHeroRecipient to help every seriously ill person to have the best quality of life

31 Sue Ryder Care VisionEnemyHeroRecipient to help every seriously ill person to have the best quality of life limited availability of the best quality care

32 Sue Ryder Care VisionEnemyHeroRecipient to help every seriously ill person to have the best quality of life limited availability of the best quality care passionate and expert carers

33 Sue Ryder Care VisionEnemyHeroRecipient to help every seriously ill person to have the best quality of life limited availability of the best quality care passionate and expert carers someone I love

34 SRC’s fundraising proposition When someone you love is seriously ill, our passionate, expert carers will help them enjoy the best life they can, in the time they have.

35 Vision - best quality of life Hero - passionate, expert carers Recipient - someone I love


37 Action for Blind People VISIONENEMYHERORECIPIENT Equality for blind and partially sighted people

38 Action for Blind People VISIONENEMYHERORECIPIENT Equality for blind and partially sighted people The public’s ignorance

39 Action for Blind People VISIONENEMYHERORECIPIENT Equality for blind and partially sighted people The public’s ignorance Blind and partially sighted people

40 Action for Blind People VISIONENEMYHERORECIPIENT Equality for blind and partially sighted people The public’s ignorance Blind and partially sighted people All of us

41 Fundraising proposition If you want a just society, support Action for Blind People now. We’ll use your £100 to give blind and partially sighted people what they’re crying out for - the same chances we all have, to be fully paid up members of our society. ?

42 Action for Blind People VISIONENEMYHERORECIPIENT Every blind and partially sighted person given support when needed

43 Action for Blind People VISIONENEMYHERORECIPIENT Every blind and partially sighted person given support when needed Red tape and lack of money for simple, practical support

44 Action for Blind People VISIONENEMYHERORECIPIENT Every blind and partially sighted person given support when needed Red tape and lack of money for simple, practical support Passionate people fighting bureaucracy and indifference to provide

45 Action for Blind People VISIONENEMYHERORECIPIENT Every blind and partially sighted person given support when needed Red tape and lack of money for simple, practical support Passionate people fighting bureaucracy and indifference to provide Thousands of people losing their sight and picking up shattered lives

46 Fundraising proposition Every 15 minutes someone in the UK begins to lose their sight. Today, with your help, we can give them the practical support needed to rebuild their shattered lives.

47 Must-haves Every good proposition should have: Need Solution Now And ideally, it should be unique ‘Every 15 minutes someone in the UK begins to lose their sight. Today, with your help, we can give them the practical support needed to rebuild their shattered lives’.

48 Need - red tape, bureaucracy and indifference

49 Solution - support when needed

50 Telephone Fundraising “As I’m sure you’re aware, sight loss is something that can develop in anyone. Often it is something that can be simply corrected by wearing glasses or contact lenses. But sadly we estimate there are nearly two million people in the UK who have a visual impairment - that is, a sight problem which cannot be corrected by wearing glasses or contact lenses, or even by eye surgery. Visual impairment can often develop unexpectedly later in life, which as you can imagine leaves people feeling lost and confused.”

51 Telephone Fundraising “We exist as a charity to provide support for visually impaired people of any age. For example: We provide practical and personalised help to visually impaired adults looking for work. We help develop confidence and new skills that employers value through our Workstep programme. We’ll also give guidance to the employers themselves, encouraging them to make simple changes that cater for the visually impaired.”

52 Why it works… Audience right Message right… …expressed emotionally …expressed consistently

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