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4 July 2012 POLISH-NORWEGIAN RESEARCH PROGRAMME Prof. Krzysztof Kurzydłowski Director National Centre for Research and Development.

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1 4 July 2012 POLISH-NORWEGIAN RESEARCH PROGRAMME Prof. Krzysztof Kurzydłowski Director National Centre for Research and Development

2 4 July 2012 Structure of the presentation 1.Objectives and modalities the Programme 2.Thematic areas of the core modality 3. Indicative budgets 4. Appointment of the Programme Committee 5. Time schedule of the calls

3 4 July 2012 I. Polish-Norwegian Research Programme OBJECTIVES enhanced research cooperation between Poland and Norway which should lead to knowledge development and application of research results contribution to reduction of social and economic disparities in the European Economic Area and strengthening bilateral relations BUDGET total budget EUR 43 329 412 (38 818 851 for research projects) MODALITIES of the Programme 1.The core (5 thematic areas) 2.Small grant scheme (research projects carried out by female researchers in technical sciences aiming at career advancement (acquiring doctoral/ post- doctoral degree, earning professor title)

4 4 July 2012 II. Polish-Norwegian Research Programme THE CORE 1. Environment rational use of natural resources recycling technologies technologies of new and renewable energy sources technologies that impact limiting of greenhouse gases and aerosols technologies of carbon capture and storage (CCS) 2. Climate change monitoring of climate changes impact of climate changes on ecosystem and biodiversity assessment of the risk of climate changes in the context of agriculture, food production, water management polar research

5 4 July 2012 II. Polish-Norwegian Research Programme 3. Health lifestyle diseases drugs with defined molecular structures nanopharmacology analytical epidemiology epigenetics of lifestyle diseases naurodegenerating mental diseases and addictions modern diagnostics modern pharmacology and regenerative medicine 4. Social sciences synergic use of resources new sources of progress and competitive advantage demographic changes research on improvement of effectiveness of public institutions migration

6 4 July 2012 II. Polish-Norwegian Research Programme 5. Mainstreaming Gender Equality and Promoting Work-Life Balance recruitment, evaluation, promotion and retention policies in public and private organisations, including universities organisational approaches to increase participation and career advancement in fields where one gender is under-represented examination and comparison of institutional best practices in mainstreaming gender equality comparison of institutional policies supporting dual career couples institutional issues relating to the creation of a work/life responsive working environment cultural and organisational structures promoting work/life balance, including returning schemes after career breaks

7 * the budget allocation is provisional and will have to be approved by the Programme Committee (expect areas Mainstreaming Gender Equality… and Small Grant Scheme) III. Polish-Norwegian Research Programme T

8 4 July 2012 IV. Polish-Norwegian Research Programme Members of the Programme Committee appointed by the Programme Operator (NCBR) Prof. Małgorzata Lewandowska-Szumieł – Chair of the Committee Prof. Małgorzata Fuszara Prof. Andrzej Witkowski Prof. Nalan Koc Prof. Eivind Hiis Hauge

9 4 July 2012 V. Polish-Norwegian Research Programme

10 4 July 2012 IV. Polish-Norwegian Research Programme Infoday/brokerage event for Polish and Norwegian researchers 6 September, Warsaw Information on call procedures Brokerage event for researchers in the thematic areas of the Programme (presentation of project ideas and discussions with potential project partners) Information on the Programme on:


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