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Benchmark #2 Review!!!!!!. The first (3) Articles of the Constitution provide for: A. federalism B. Popular sovereignty C. Separation of powers D. Bill.

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Presentation on theme: "Benchmark #2 Review!!!!!!. The first (3) Articles of the Constitution provide for: A. federalism B. Popular sovereignty C. Separation of powers D. Bill."— Presentation transcript:

1 Benchmark #2 Review!!!!!!

2 The first (3) Articles of the Constitution provide for: A. federalism B. Popular sovereignty C. Separation of powers D. Bill of Rights


4 The purpose of the “Great Compromise” was to – A.Decide the number of courts the government would have B.Settle the number of representatives from each state Congress would have C.Decide which states could allow slavery D.Settle the issue of protective tariffs

5 Settle the number of representatives allowed for each state in Congress

6 The 1 st Amendment allows for the right to assemble, such as protesting in front of the capitol. True/False????? True!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7 Hamilton, Madison, and John Jay were all authors of the ______________ ____________. Federalist Papers – they supported the Constitution because it allowed for a stronger national government

8 In 1787 Congress created the northwest Ordinance as a way to – A.Stop Native American attacks B.Establish a system for creating new states from western territories C.Settle the slavery issue D.Allow for representation in Congress

9 Establish a system for creating new states from western territories

10 The 1 st Amendment provides basic civil liberties, such as freedom of speech, religion, press, petition, and assembly. True or False? True

11 True of False? The Great Compromise only benefited the large states. False!!!!! It helped both large AND small states. The House would be based on population and the Senate would have 2 Senators per state.

12 Did the Anti-Federalists want a stronger national government or a limited national government? Limited power of the federal government

13 Patrick Henry is considered to be one of the leading Antifederalists. True!!!!!!!

14 The Congress can override a presidential veto, which is an example of – A.Separation of powers B.Federalism C.Checks and balances D.Popular sovereignty

15 Check and Balances

16 The Federalists Papers helped convince citizens to – A.Support ratification of the U.S. Constitution B.Support ratification of the Articles of Confederation C.Support ratification of the Bill of Rights D.Support ratification of a national bank

17 Support ratification (approval) of the U.S. Constitution

18 Which Amendment in the Bill of Rights forbids the quartering of troops in private homes? A.1 st B.2 nd C.3 rd D.4th

19 3 rd Amendment

20 Who does the 5 th Amendment protect? A.Police Officers B.Criminal defendants C.Newspaper reporters D.Attorneys Criminal Defendants – No person (criminal) can be forced to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law!!!!

21 Why were the Anti-Federalists against the ratification of the U.S. Constitution? It failed to include a Bill of Rights!!!!!!!!!

22 Popular Sovereignty is the belief that – A.The final authority is the government B.The final authority is the president C.The final authority is the people D.The final authority is the Supreme Court

23 PEOPLE hold the final authority in government (“will of the people”)

24 According to the Northwest Ordinance, what could a territory do once they reached a population of 60,000? A.They could be admitted as a state B.They could allow slavery C.They could sell property D.They could become American citizens

25 They could apply to be admitted as a state!!!!!!!

26 How did the delegates at the Constitutional Convention settle the issue of counting the slaves in the population? A.3/5’s Compromise B.New Jersey Plan C.Virginia Plan D.Great Compromise 3/5’s Compromise

27 Under the Northwest Ordinance, new states admitted to the Union had a ten year wait before they were considered equal to existing states. True/False????

28 True of False? James Madison wanted a weak national government. False!!!!! He was a Federalist!! He wanted a STRONG national government!!!!!!!!!!!

29 What territory did we purchase from France that caused the U.S boundary to double in size? Louisiana Territory

30 The system of checks and balances was designed to protect the power of state government. True/False False – It was designed to keep any one branch from becoming to powerful

31 According to the Constitution, powers not delegated to national government are reserved to the states. This principle is called A.Checks and balances B.federalism C.Popular sovereignty D.Great Compromise

32 Federalism – 10 th Amendment!!!

33 How can the federal courts provide a check on the legislative branch? A.They can veto bills proposed B.They can review laws to see if they are constitutional C.They can impeach Senators D.They are appointed for life

34 True/False? Under the Northwest Ordinance, territories were required to have a militia of 100 men. False!!!!!!!!!

35 What does the 8 th Amendment prohibit? A.Cruel and unusual punishment B.Quartering of troops C.Illegal search and seizure D.Free speech Cruel and Unusual punishment

36 What does the 4 th Amendment prohibit? A.Cruel and unusual punishment B.Quartering of troops C.Illegal search and seizure D.Free speech illegal search and seizure

37 What area represents the large middle portion of this map? a.Northwest Territory b.Louisiana Territory c.Oregon Territory

38 Louisiana Territory

39 What area represents the white portion of this map? a.Northwest Territory b.Louisiana Territory c.Oregon Territory

40 Northwest Territory – created by the Northwest Ordinance

41 True/False – The Louisiana Territory included present day Oregon. False – Oregon is TOOOO far west to be included

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