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CL #4: 14 th Amendment 1.Freedom from self-incrimination is found in the 5th amendment. 2.Gideon v. Wainright ensures that everyone accused of a crime.

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Presentation on theme: "CL #4: 14 th Amendment 1.Freedom from self-incrimination is found in the 5th amendment. 2.Gideon v. Wainright ensures that everyone accused of a crime."— Presentation transcript:

1 CL #4: 14 th Amendment 1.Freedom from self-incrimination is found in the 5th amendment. 2.Gideon v. Wainright ensures that everyone accused of a crime is granted a lawyer. 3.Griswold v Connecticut is the first major court case to imply a right to privacy between a woman and her doctor. 4.Freedom from cruel and unusual punishment is found in the 3rd amendment. 5.One cannot be deprived of life, liberty, or property without equal protection of the laws.

2 Original Interpretation of the Bill of Rights Barron v. Baltimore (1833): Bill of Rights only applies to federal govt, not to states –Only fed gov has to follow BofR 1 st Amend: Congress shall make no law…

3 14 th Amendment (1868) “[N]o State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

4 2 Clauses – 1.Due process Proper procedures 2.Equal Protection Fair treatment

5 Gitlow v. New York (1925) Gitlow – wrote about creating a socialist gov & was convicted by a NY law outlaws speaking about overthrowing gov SC: NY law is fair BUT said: 1st amendment rights cannot be abridged completely by the states due to the 14 th which says states cannot abridge….

6 Selective Incorporation Over the next century, SC picks and chooses ( selects ) which parts of the BofR that states must follow ( incorporate ) Creates national guidelines for some civil liberties

7 Most rights have been incorporated All of the 1 st Search & Seizure –Exclusionary Rule (w/Mapp) 5 th (Miranda) 6 th (Gideon) Cruel & Unusual punishment (w/Furman case)

8 Which ct case is related to the due process clause & which is related to equal protection? Due Process:Equal Protection:

9 NOT incorporated: 2 nd –States have wildly varying gun laws 3 rd Right to jury in civil cases Excessive fines & bails

10 Essay time! 3 branches are 45% of test Which branch of the federal government is the strongest? 5 paragraph essay w/strong thesis Remember to counter argue –Yes, the jud branch is strong but the legislative is stronger because….. Don’t capitalize name of branch (leg, ex, jud) DO capitalize Congress and Supreme Court, but not president unless use in conjunction with a name (President Obama) DUE: Friday, March 18 th

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