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Bad Girls of the Bible Peninnah: the Cruel Counterpart 1 Samuel 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Bad Girls of the Bible Peninnah: the Cruel Counterpart 1 Samuel 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bad Girls of the Bible Peninnah: the Cruel Counterpart 1 Samuel 1

2 Peninnah Provoked Peninnah’s Pain Shared husband (1 Sam. 1:2)
Hannah’s double portion (1 Sam. 1:5) How our feelings direct our actions Provoked Hannah (v. 6) Tormented severely (v. 6) Continued year after year (v. 3) Made Hannah miserable, with tears and loss of appetite (v. 6-7)

3 God’s Evaluation Kindness Be kind to one another! (Eph. 4:32)
Kindness benefits, cruelty hurts (Prov. 11:17) Rudeness Lead a peaceful and quiet life (1 Tim. 2:2) Bear one another’s burdens (Gal. 6:2) Words that Harm Tongue is a fire (James 3:6) What comes out of our mouths can defile (Matt. 15:11) Only use words to build up! (Eph. 4:29) No filthiness, foolish talk or crude joking (Eph. 5:4)

4 Hannah’s Response Initial Emotional Outpouring Miserable (1 Sam. 1:6)
Weeping, tears of anguish (1 Sam. 1:6-8, 10) Stopped eating (1 Sam. 1:6-8) Bitterness of soul (1 Samuel 1:10) Turned to God for Comfort Prayed to the Lord (v. 10) Promised the Lord (v. 11) Trusted the Lord’s response (v. 18) Gave thanks for Lord’s blessing (v )

5 Lessons For Us from Miriam’s Example
Do we allow our emotions to direct our interactions with others? Are we allowing the bad behavior of others to direct our own actions? How easy is it for us to give our problems over to the Lord, and then trust Him to do what is best for our situations? When the Lord has answered our prayers, how faithful are we to return to Him in grateful praise?

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