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Chapter 9 – Native American Cultures. Friday, November 30, 2012 1.Turn in the homework 2.DO NOT BE caught COPYING – DO NOT COPY!!! text books to.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 9 – Native American Cultures. Friday, November 30, 2012 1.Turn in the homework 2.DO NOT BE caught COPYING – DO NOT COPY!!! text books to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 9 – Native American Cultures

2 Friday, November 30, 2012 1.Turn in the homework 2.DO NOT BE caught COPYING – DO NOT COPY!!! text books to chapter 9 – the Americas!


4 9.1 & 9.2 – Central & South America TIME LOCATION (Capital)RELIGIONACCOMPLISHMENTS Olmec Zapotec Maya Toltec Aztec Chavin Moche Inca

5 Zapotec Bat God mask



8 9.1 Aztecs – Civilized or Barbarians? BARBARIC (mean, horrible, bad, destructive) CIVILIZED (positive, helpful, furthered their people) 1.Write this in your notes 2.Try to list 3 examples in each column of actions that make the Aztecs barbaric or civilized 3.We will finish the movie then share

9 Aztec Essay: Expectations 3 paragraphs: INTRODUCTION – 5 points total Introduction sentence (given) 1 point Explain: what is “barbaric” 1 point Explain: what is “civilized” 1 point Explain: who are Aztecs (time/place) 1 point Overall: 3 rd person, complete sentences, no run-ons, no new information 1 point BODY (varies based on claim) - 15 points total Facts to support claim 10 points Explain how facts fit to claim – use the language of your explanation from the introduction [cruel, brutal, excessive, harmful, etc OR job specialization, advanced technology, religion, government, etc] 5 points [possible counter argument that is then discredited] CONCLUSION – 5 points total Restate claim 2 points Sum up 2 points Make a judgment 1 point

10 Aztec Essay: Expectations 3 paragraphs: INTRODUCTION – 5 points total Introduction sentence (given) 1 point Explain: what is “barbaric” 1 point Explain: what is “civilized” 1 point Explain: who are Aztecs (time/place) 1 point Overall: 3 rd person, complete sentences, no run-ons, no new information 1 point BODY (varies based on claim) - 15 points total Facts to support claim 10 points Explain how facts fit to claim – use the language of your explanation from the introduction [cruel, brutal, excessive, harmful, etc OR job specialization, advanced technology, religion, government, etc] 5 points [possible counter argument that is then discredited] CONCLUSION – 5 points total Restate claim 2 points Sum up 2 points Make a judgment 1 point

11 Aztec Jewelry

12 Nazca Lines

13 1. Turn in Homework (Aztec essay – 3 paragraphs) 2. Open notebook to new page 3. Begin this chart: North American Group LOCATIONDESCRIPTIONS Aleuts, Yupiks, Inuits Present-day Canada & Alaska Anasazi4-corners (CO, AZ, NM, UT) PueblosSoutheastern US Navajos4-corners (CO, AZ, NM, UT) ApachesPresent-day TX, N.Mexico, AZ, CO Adena, Hopewell Ohio River Valley Mississippian Southern Mississippi R. Valley Iroquois, Hurons NY state area, Great Lakes 9.3North American Cultures

14 1. Turn in Homework (Aztec essay – 3 paragraphs) 2. Open notebook to new page 3. Begin this chart: North American Group LOCATIONDESCRIPTIONS Aleuts, Yupiks, Inuits Present-day Canada & Alaska Anasazi4-corners (CO, AZ, NM, UT) PueblosSouthwestern US Navajos4-corners (CO, AZ, NM, UT) ApachesPresent-day TX, N.Mexico, AZ, CO Adena, Hopewell Ohio River Valley Mississippian Southern Mississippi R. Valley Iroquois, Hurons NY state area, Great Lakes 9.3North American Cultures Hunters: seals, walrus, whales, polar bears, caribu, fox; boats: kayaks, umiaks Dry climate difficult to farm; built “pueblos”, homes of adobe brick; ancestors of Pueblos Many groups (Hopi, Zuni, Acoma), shared cultures & language; KACHINA: spirits of ancestors Shared ancestors with Apache; name means “large planed field;” called themselves “Dine” Small scale farming; mostly hunters; raided other groups for survival Mound builders, some for burial, some for temples; Great Serpent Mound 2,000 years old Planted in spring; hunted in fall; LONGHOUSE, wampum beads used in trade Mound builders; farmed; built pyramid-shaped temples; disappeared in 17 th century

15 9.3North American Cultures

16 Anasazi Painting

17 1. Turn in ch9 Review History homework (and Aztec essay if not turned in) 2. Open notebooks 3. Open Text book to chapter 9 section 2 4. complete the chart below: Social ClassDescription 9.2 Social Classes of the Incan Empire

18 Social ClassDescription 9.2 Social Classes of the Incan Empire


20 Inca Empire, 1230-1535

21 Chavin de Huántar, 900-200 bc

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