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8-9 April 2003 REVISION PCT MERGER CH I & CH I, DELETION DEMAND, Not yet! Important gain experience from recently made amendments in the PCT Regulations;

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Presentation on theme: "8-9 April 2003 REVISION PCT MERGER CH I & CH I, DELETION DEMAND, Not yet! Important gain experience from recently made amendments in the PCT Regulations;"— Presentation transcript:

1 8-9 April 2003 REVISION PCT MERGER CH I & CH I, DELETION DEMAND, Not yet! Important gain experience from recently made amendments in the PCT Regulations; - introduction W O in CH I for instance - await development SPLT; - await implementation PLT

2 8-9 April 2003 REASONS The treaty should be amended only concerning what is really necessary, if anything because: -unrealistic that all PCT member States could agree to the same amendments to take place at the same time consequences: - big problems for users and authorities

3 8-9 April 2003 REVISION PCT REGULATIONS Simplifications for the users, third parties, offices: Good! Recently made revisions: Good! Implementation of electronic filing/processing of international applications: Good!

4 8-9 April 2003 QUALITY CONTROL Revision of PCT International Search- and Preliminary Examination Guidelines: Good! Basic requirement concerning quality: comes from the customer The customer demands: legal certainty: -top quality state of the art search, -predictable decisions on patentability Not possible to employ external monitoring of quality! Quality of service: established at the moment of service Quality assurance: competence at the source of service

5 8-9 April 2003 World reference in patent examination: EPO! Therefore: High quality in the PCT Procedure: high measure of harmonisation with EPO Harmonisation should be considered in topics such as: -search tools -search methods -search practice -guidelines -examiner competence -quality assurance Harmonisation should be based on: mutual confidence: commonly agreed standards applied, not on institutionalised reports from external accountants

6 8-9 April 2003 COORDINATED SEARCHES Not in favour! Will increase the workload in the big offices

7 8-9 April 2003 CONTRACTING-OUT SEARCHES For the time being: not a question on the Swedish table

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