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University of Greenwich Recruitment and the New Entrant Control Number Admissions Training Day Emma Williams Planning and Statistics 24 June 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Greenwich Recruitment and the New Entrant Control Number Admissions Training Day Emma Williams Planning and Statistics 24 June 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Greenwich Recruitment and the New Entrant Control Number Admissions Training Day Emma Williams Planning and Statistics 24 June 2011

2 Overview Application statistics The New Entrant Control Number Conversion rates and targets Size and shape of the University Student Recruitment – Admissions Training Day

3 Total 1 : 65,280 applications 40,275 offers made 12,420 registrations  31% conversion rate Home 2, Univ. Based, Main Cycle: 37,980 applications 19,435 offers made (49% conditional, 51% unconditional) 6,000 registrations  31% conversion rate (21% on conditional offers, 40% on unconditional offers) NB: All figures are rounded to the nearest 5. Registrations relate to new entrants. Conversion rate = offers to registrations. 1. Total includes all students and applications for any mode (e.g. home/overseas, on/off campus, main cycle/clearing, full/part time, postgraduate/undergraduate) 2. Home includes full and part time, postgraduate and undergraduate. Applicants & Registrations 2010/11 Student Recruitment – Admissions Training Day

4 All Applications data Updated weekly Compares to previous year Analysis of application status by School, Department and Programme Excel files, can be downloaded Key to headings included in each Excel file Student Recruitment – Admissions Training Day

5 All Applications data – Table 0 (2011 entry) UCAS applications Student Recruitment – Admissions Training Day

6 Column number* Column headingDescriptionDecision with: 1 Unconditional AcceptedFirm acceptance of unconditional offer.Applicant 2 Unconditional InsuranceInsurance acceptance of unconditional offer. 3 Unconditional Await Reply Unconditional offer made, awaiting decision of applicant. 4 Conditional AcceptedFirm acceptance of conditional offer. 5 Conditional InsuranceInsurance acceptance of conditional offer. 6 Conditional Await ReplyConditional offer made, awaiting decision of applicant. 7 Await Univ DecisionApplications in the University awaiting a decision.University 8 Total Live OffersAll firm and insurance acceptances, plus offers awaiting reply. Includes conditional and unconditional offers. (Sum of columns 1 to 6 for the particular year). Applicant 9 University RejectionsApplications rejected by the University.University 10 Application DeclineOffers declined by applicants.Applicant 11 WithdrawnsApplications withdrawn by applicants.Applicant 12 Total ApplicationsTotal number of applications. This includes all those who applied, regardless of outcome. (Sum of columns 7 to 11 for the particular year). N/A 13 Total Accepting OfferFirm acceptances of conditional or unconditional offers. (Sum of columns 1 and 4 for the particular year). Applicant 14 %+/- Total Appl. 11-10Percentage difference between Total Applications in 2011 and 2010. (Column 12: Sum of 2011 minus 2010, then divided by 2010 and multiplied by 100). N/A * Column numbers are for reference and do not appear on the tables. Applicants with an 'unknown' Home/Overseas status are counted as 'Home' in these tables until processed otherwise. This means there may be movement from the Home tables (a) to the Overseas tables (b) as applications are processed. Key to Applications table headings Student Recruitment – Admissions Training Day

7 “The HEFCE new entrant control number sets a limit on the number of HEFCE fundable students starting full-time undergraduate and PGCE (excluding TDA funded students) study in a given academic session.” What is the New Entrant Control Number? The University is fined by HEFCE for every NECN student over this set limit Student Recruitment – Admissions Training Day

8 Registered student profile (new entrants) 2010/11 Three quarters (76%) of UG students are full time (pink) 30% of student places fall within the University Based New Entrant Control Number 26% of UG students are Not University based University of Greenwich Key ©©©©©©©©©© ©©©©©©©©©© One square = 1% ©©©©©©©©©© 2011 NECN Target (Univ. Based) ©©©©©©©©©© Pink = FTLight Colour = Overseas ©©©©¤¤¤¤¤¤ Green = PTDark colour = Home ¤¤©©©©©©©© ©©©©©©©©¤¤ Home FT© University based ¤¤¤¤¤¤©©©© Overseas FT ¤ Not University based ©©©©©©©©©¤ Home PT ¤¤¤¤©¤¤¤¤¤ Overseas PT Student Recruitment – Admissions Training Day

9 For the 2011/12 academic session, undergraduate students will contribute towards the control number if: They do not withdraw from their programme/instance of study within 2 weeks of commencing it. They are HEFCE fundable, full-time students in the academic year, 1st August 2011 to 31st July 2012. They have NOT been HEFCE fundable, full-time students in either of the two preceding academic years (that is between 1st August 2009 and 31st July 2011) at Greenwich or a partner institution. Who counts towards the control number? Student Recruitment – Admissions Training Day

10 Answers to some frequently asked questions: Students who were previously studying on a part-time basis who switch to full-time study can count towards the control number. Students who have studied full-time for a foundation year (or similar) at Greenwich or partner institution who then move onto the final year of a degree programme may NOT count towards the control number. Once a student has been fully registered for more than two weeks, they count towards the control number, regardless of what happens after this point. Who counts towards the control number? (2) Student Recruitment – Admissions Training Day

11 Who counts towards the control number? (3)

12 Predicted Registrations From Applications (2011 entry) Predictive reports are available for all applications to programmes This presentation focuses on New Entrant Control (NECN) numbers only  Published weekly to PAS website  Detailed breakdowns, based on patterns observed in 2010  PDF reports available from the PAS website: Student Recruitment – Admissions Training Day

13 University Based NECN 3,611: NECN Target 3,581: Predicted NECN registrations from acceptances 99%: Progress towards NECN target based on predicted registrations from acceptances  Places are available outside of the NECN (e.g. Part time / overseas / non-HEFCE funded students)  Partner and Link institutions manage their own NECN Predicted NECN Registrations From Applications (2011 Entry) Source: Predicted Registrations From Applications 3 rd June Update for the 2011/12 Academic Session, NECN contribution only, PAS Applications data webpages ( Student Recruitment – Admissions Training Day

14 Predicted NECN Registrations From Applications 2011 – by School NB: Based on data from 3 rd June 2011. Percentage cells. Dark green: percentage progress towards the control number target is greater than 100% Amber cells: percentage progress towards the control number target is between 80% and 99% Red cells: percentage progress towards the control number target is lower than 20% Student Recruitment – Admissions Training Day

15 Predictions from Applications School may be close to target but there is a wide variation between different Departments (and Programmes) Question Is the School aiming for the NECN targets in terms of Departmental SSR, class size, specialist facilities?  If yes, need to make decisions about offers – close popular courses as assumption that less popular courses will fill.  If no, take most qualified applicants and work to overarching school total There is a middle ground Student Recruitment – Admissions Training Day

16 Programmes above 100% and below 20% Questions to ask Above 100%  Are there limited specialist facilities?  Are there limited lecture hall sizes, any timetabling issues? –If yes, may need to think about closing the course  Are staff flexible and able to teach different subjects? –If yes, may be able to continue to recruit Below 20%  Can students be taught with students on a different programme?  Can you market more effectively? –If no, programme may not be viable. Student Recruitment – Admissions Training Day

17 Where University Based applicants come from 2010/11 (1) NB: Based on Home, University Based, Main Cycle applications. Number of Applications / Postcode District % of districts (n = 1,948) % of applications (n = 35,302) 1-976%13% 10-3413%12% 35-996%20% 100-2994%39% 300-8161%16% Student Recruitment – Admissions Training Day

18 Where University Based applicants come from 2010/11 (2) NB: Based on Home, University Based, Main Cycle applications. Student Recruitment – Admissions Training Day

19 Where University Based registered students (new entrants) come from 2010/11 (1) NB: Based on Home, University Based, Main Cycle applications. Registrations relate to new entrants. Number of Registrations / Postcode District % of districts (n = 861) % of registrations (n = 5,641) 1-263%12% 3-921%16% 10-249%18% 25-746%43% 75-1731%11% Student Recruitment – Admissions Training Day

20 Where University Based registered students (new entrants) come from 2010/11 (2) NB: Based on Home, University Based, Main Cycle applications. Registrations relate to new entrants. Student Recruitment – Admissions Training Day

21 NB: Based on Home, University Based, Main Cycle applications – information supplied on application. Excludes ‘Institution Unknown’ and ‘Apply Online UK’ (39% and 11% respectively of all registrations). Top ten previous institutions by applications Previous school or collegeApplicationsOffersAcceptances Registrations (new entrants) Conversion rate (Offers to Registrations) Newham VI form College5343461729527% Newham College of Further Education425170784325% Croydon College396163884528% Greenwich Community College3891921328343% Tower Hamlets College3772331036026% Bromley College of Further and Higher Education 3441951318242% Bexley College, Belvedere332132865945% Mid Kent College297160714528% North West Kent College2701761157543% Leyton VI Form College255170644325% Student Recruitment – Admissions Training Day

22 Planning and Statistics Queen Anne 282-284, Greenwich Campus Tel: 020 8331 9350 Email:

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