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Lesson Outline Chapter 5 Unit 2 Ms. Marku

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1 Lesson Outline Chapter 5 Unit 2 Ms. Marku
Clues from Fossils Lesson Outline Chapter 5 Unit 2 Ms. Marku

2 What Can You Learn From Fossils?
Scientists use clues from fossils to learn about the __________. past

3 What Can You Learn From Fossils?
When a plant or animal dies, the soft parts quickly ________ or are _________. eaten decay

4 What Can You Learn From Fossils?
Many fossils are found in___________ rock. sedimentary

5 What Can You Learn From Fossils?
When a shallow print or impression is the only evidence of a plant or animal that once existed, the fossil is called a(n)__________. imprint

6 What Can You Learn From Fossils?
When water dissolves the remains of a once-living thing, leaving a hollow space, a(n)____________ forms. mold

7 What Can You Learn From Fossils?
Fossils that are formed or shaped in a mold are called ______________. casts

8 What are Some Other Ways Fossils Form?
Sap can harden into ___________, trapping insect. amber

9 What are Some Other Ways Fossils Form?
Some fossils have been found in ice and frozen ground, such as the _____________ which was found in Northern Asia and North America. mammoth

10 What are Some Other Ways Fossils Form?
Rancho La Brea in California is famous for fossils found in its _____________. tar pits

11 What are Some Other Ways Fossils Form?
Plants and animals that decay slowly may leave behind a thin film of the element __________. carbon

12 What are Some Other Ways Fossils Form?
Parts of plants and animals, especially wood and bones, may also be preserved by being __________, which means “turned to stone.” petrified

13 What Happens Once Fossils are Found?
Before a fossilized dinosaur can be displayed in a museum, people must first: ____________, __________, and _____________ collect the bones remove rocks assemble bones

14 What Happens Once Fossils are Found?
Fossils might be stored safely for further study after ___________ are made for display. casts

15 What Other Clues Do Fossils Provide?
Annual growth rings in _________ tell the age of fossilized trees. petrified wood

16 What Other Clues Do Fossils Provide?
Fossilized footprints can tell us: ____________, __________ and _________. size age walked on 2 or 4 legs

17 What Other Clues Do Fossils Provide?
Fossil of flat teeth indicate that an animal ate ___________. plants

18 What Other Clues Do Fossils Provide?
Fossilized stomach contents can tell us what an animal ________. ate

19 What Other Clues Do Fossils Provide?
Fossilized _________ organisms tell where rivers, lakes, or oceans once existed. aquatic

20 What Other Clues Do Fossils Provide?
Fossilized ferns tell us that the climate where they were found was once__________. hot & moist

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