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Faculty of Allied Medical Science

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1 Faculty of Allied Medical Science
Blood Banking (MLBB 201)

Prof.Dr. Nadia Aly Sadek Director of Blood Bank Centre – MRI University of Alexandria

3 ILOs By the end of this lecture, the students will be able to recognize; What is Fresh frozen plasma and cryoprecipitate.

4 Content

5 Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)
1 Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) Prepared from whole blood donation and frozen within 6 – 8 hours . It is stored at – 18o c or colder for up to 12 months. It contains: 91% water – 7% protein – 2% carbohydrate.

6 Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)
1 Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) Indications To treat prolonged PT or PTT Vitamin K deficiency and liver disease Dilutional coagulopathy Protein S, Protein C or Antithronbin deficiency.

7 Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)
1 Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) Thawing It should be thawed at temperature 30-37oc in a water bath. The unit should be wrapped in a plastic bag. Thawed FFP should be transfused immediately or within 12 hrs or stored between 1-6oc for no more than 12 hours. It should not be refrozen.

8 Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)
1 Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) Administration The same ABO as the protein. Given via a filter over 1 – 1.5 hours.

9 CRYOPRECIPITATE 2 Obtained from FFP and concentrated to 10 - 20 ml.
It contains F VIII, (80 – 120 Units), v WF, 250 mg fibrinogen, 20 – 30% of factor XIII & fibronectin.

10 CRYOPRECIPITATE 2 Indications Factor VIII deficiency (Haemophilia A).
Type II VW disease. Type I VW disease not responding to DDAVP. Factor XIII deficiency. Congenital fibrinogen abnormality.

11 CRYOPRECIPITATE 2 Indications When fibrinogen is ≤ 100 mg.
Control of bleeding in uremic or hepatic patients. For preparation of fibrin glue: Topical use in orphopedic, ENT, dental, cardiac or neurological procedures. Reversal of warfarin overdose.

It should be thawed at 37 0 c immediately before use and the pack should NOT be refrozen. Fibrinogen dose: 8 – 10 bags supply 2 g fibrinogen. Infusion Filter at rate of 1 – 2 ml/min.

13 2 CRYOPRECIPITATE Cryoprecipirate represents the cryoglobulin fraction of the plasma. It contains F VIII, VWF, fibrinogen, fibronectin and F XIII. It is used primarily for the treatment of Haemophilia A patients.

14 Platelet Concentrates
3 Platelet Concentrates Volume: 50 – 70 ml/unit provide about platelets. Kept at 20 – 22 0 c in a shaker for a maximum of 5 days. Should be infused within 4 hours, administered with filter

15 4 Prothrombin Complex This component contains prothrombin (F II), factor VII, F IX and factor X. It is lyophylized and virus-inactivated to reduce the risk of transmitting infections. Indications Haemophilia B (F IX deficiency). Serious coumarin overdosage together with Vitamin K1 Coagulation defects due to fulminant hepatitis or liver insufficiency.

16 5 FEIBA AND AUTOPLEX These are some activated prothrombin complex preparations used for treatment of Haemophilia A patients with inhibitors. These should be given with caution, as overuse may cause thrombosis and DIC. Currently, there are factors IX and F VII concentrates for TR of Haemophilia B.

17 6 Fibrin Glue It is formed by the reaction of cryo (fibrinogen) + thrombin as they are applied topically. Advantage Good hemostasis in different solid organ bleeding. Prevents post-operative bleeding. Efficient in the presence of coagulation defect and bacterial contamination.

18 Study Question Mention the indication of cryopercipitate.

19 Assignments Complication of blood transfusion محمد مصطفى محمد


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