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Presenter Fertilizer Application Regulations. OISC regulations do not replace any of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management manure regulations,

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Presentation on theme: "Presenter Fertilizer Application Regulations. OISC regulations do not replace any of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management manure regulations,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenter Fertilizer Application Regulations

2 OISC regulations do not replace any of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management manure regulations, permitting, spill reporting, or other water quality standards

3 What is a Fertilizer Material? It is any substance containing nitrogen, phosphate, potash or any plant nutrient, including anhydrous ammonia. Two Types: 1. Inorganic: 28%, potash, anhydrous ammonia 2. Organic: manure, compost, dry distiller grains Exemptions: Lime, gypsum, biosolids

4 Who is exempt from standards? Any person distributing or using less than 10 cubic yards or 4000 gallons of any type of fertilizer material* in a calendar year.

5 1)Persons who apply or transport commercial fertilizer material for hire. 2)Persons who apply or transport manure, from the following:  Indiana regulated confined feeding operations.  Operations outside Indiana that would be confined feeding operations if they were located in Indiana.

6 1)Any person applying fertilizer material (both commercial fertilizer and manure) FOR HIRE must have a commercial fertilizer applicator license AND be working for a licensed commercial fertilizer business.

7 2)Any person applying manure from a confined feeding operation (CFO) on any property, must be certified  Includes manure from CFO size facilities out-of-state

8 CFO Manure Required Records for Distributor/Seller  Applicator must have Category 14 Certification to obtain manure from CFO.  Name, certification number, amount sold, analysis, date.  Records kept for 2 years  Similar to private applicator recordkeeping requirements for restricted-use pesticides. Plan Records Manure Sales Staging Application

9 C ategory 14 Certification Who does it apply to?  For Hire Ag & Transporters (commercial)  Users of manure from a CFO (private) Certification Plan Records Staging Application Manure that is custom- applied doesn’t require the grower to be certified, just like RUP and private pesticide applicators.

10 Fertilizer Material Use, Distribution and Record Keeping

11 Plan  Fertilizer Plan required by ALL growers. Required for both Manure (organic) and Inorganic Fertilizer applications  The Fertilizer Plan, at a minimum, is a written plan that ties the application of fertilizer to agronomic rates.  Must include how fertilizer rates are determined.  The purpose is that you have thought about rates to meet the crop’s needs. Plan Records Staging Application

12 Fertilizer Plan Resources : Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations, AY-9-32 Agronomist recommendations The following website http://extension.agron.iastate.e du/soilfertility/nrate.aspx

13 Staging Staging is the temporary placement of product in a pile in preparation of field application. The fertilizer material is meant to be used now, rather than later. Fertilizer materials behind the barn are not defined as ‘staging’ and are exempt from setback restrictions. Plan Sales Records Staging Application

14 Fertilizer material staging and application regulations include major changes that will give nearby landowners legal status to their complaints.

15 Plan Sales Records Staging Inorganic Application

16 Potash Staging

17 Plan Sales Records Staging Manure Application

18 Plan Sales Records Staging Manure Application

19 M ANURE (Organic) Staging Restrictions N OTE : These setback standards will be used by OISC to handle complaints. This applies to all manure staging. N OTE : These setback standards will be used by OISC to handle complaints. This applies to all manure staging.

20 Plan Sales Records Staging Application

21 L IQUID Injection or Single-pass Incorporation of L IQUID or S OLID L IQUID Incorporation (within 24 hr) or Surface-applied S OLID Public Water Supply500 feet Surface Waters25 feet 50 feet Sinkholes25 feet 50 feet Water Wells50 feet Drainage Inlets 5 feet 50 feet Property Lines 0 feet 10 feet Public Roads 0 feet 10 feet

22 Surface-applied Liquid  no incorporation or injection of manure Less than 6% Slope or Residue Cover Greater than 6% Slope Public Water Wells500 feet Surface Waters100 feet200 feet Sink Holes100 feet200 feet Water Wells100 feet200 feet Drainage Inlets100 feet200 feet Property Lines50 feet Public Roads50 feet

23  Manure cannot be applied to HEL unless the land has:  At least 40% crop residue; or  A vegetative cover crop. IL NRCS Plan Sales Records Staging Application Manure

24 Plan Sales Records Staging Application Manure

25 Manure obtained from all sources (including CFO) CAN apply manure to frozen ground in the following circumstances.  If equipment can inject or incorporate the same day application is allowed when the crop is not in the field. Application can be at full recommended rate.

26  If the equipment can only apply the manure to the surface without incorporation, then the following rules cover those surface-only applications.

27 Plan Sales Records Staging Application Manure

28 Plan Sales Records Staging Application Manure  Prior to application: Monitor soil conditions and 24-hour weather forecast to ensure that predictable runoff does not occur.  During and After: Monitor site effluent from field tile outlets and surface water channels for a change of color, flow or volume.  If there is a change: Stop the application, stop the effluent and apply it later or elsewhere.

29 Plan Sales Records Staging Applications Application Records

30 Required Records Location: Applicator + Cert. no. Date (m-d-yr) Fertilizer Type Nutrient value Rate/acre Application Method

31 For the following examples, you will use the tables and information found in the handout.

32 What regulations must be followed if staging fertilizer in this location?

33 What is the setback distance to stage in this field? Blue lines indicate a creek in the trees.

34 How long can a pile of inorganic or organic fertilizer remain in the field?

35 What is the minimum distance that is required between a house and the staging of inorganic and organic?

36 How close to the property line can an application of inorganic and organic be made?

37 Under what conditions can manure be applied? Can you apply inorganic fertilizer on frozen ground?

38 Under what conditions can you apply this inorganic fertilizer?

39 Wisconsin Geological survey Under what conditions can fertilizer be applied to this field?

40 Surface liquid manure application was made in past 24 hours, incorporation follows, is this an acceptable application?

41 The county educator received calls about a manure pile that has been in a field a long time. How long can manure be in a field before application?

42 Will application of this pile meet deadline?

43 What are the conditions of this application? What rules need to be met?

44 Conclusions  Category 14 certification required for manure obtained from CFO by the grower.  Category 14 certified seller and user of manure must keep records.  Fertilizer Plan required by ALL growers. Required for both Manure (organic) and Inorganic Fertilizer applications.  Staging of Inorganic Fertilizers: use within 30 days in the field pile must be covered.  Manure (organic) : Many setback and application restrictions.  Some application restrictions when surface applied on frozen ground.

45 Compliance with the rules begins on February 16, 2013.

46 OISC 765 494 1492 800 893 6637

47 “A good laugh is like manure to a farmer – it doesn't do any good until you spread it around.”

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