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AWP&B Flow AWP&B. Pre requisite Norm should be Frozen for Last and Current Financial Year. District Requirement For Kitchen Cum Store should be frozen.

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Presentation on theme: "AWP&B Flow AWP&B. Pre requisite Norm should be Frozen for Last and Current Financial Year. District Requirement For Kitchen Cum Store should be frozen."— Presentation transcript:

1 AWP&B Flow AWP&B

2 Pre requisite Norm should be Frozen for Last and Current Financial Year. District Requirement For Kitchen Cum Store should be frozen For current financial year District Requirement For Kitchen Device should be frozen For Selected Financial Year District Requirement For Cook Cum Helper should be frozen For Selected Financial Year

3 In continuation… School Annual Data Updated For Current Financial Year School Monthly Data Updated For current Financial Year (at least for one month) State Calendar Created For current Financial Year

4 Menu under AWPB

5 Kitchen-cum-Store & Devices’ Requirements

6 Ki tchen-Stores & Devices Save Screen

7 Cook-cum-Helper Requirements

8 Screen for Cook-cum-Helper Requirements

9 District-wise Entry of School Calendar

10 Screen to Save District wise calendar

11 AWPB Proposal by State


13 Check List for AWPB Plan Generation

14 State Proposal


16 AWPB Plan Approval by Centre

17 Approval By Centre

18 In Continuation…

19 Cooking Cost Details

20 Institution Details

21 Enrollment Details



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